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Search results

  1. Cunechan

    Just looking for a bed set

    Isn't there one in the rtp already? Or do you need an edit of your grandpappy lying in there? There's countless double beds out there already ^^ or...
  2. Cunechan

    Urban Gothic Fantasy RPG (Mad Sin)

    How are there no comments yet? Wow this looks incredible, sign me up, I'll check the prototype out when I get the time, just man wow, the designs, I am really looking forward to this, good luck(love)
  3. Cunechan

    Alveron - Withering Roots

    OOoooh it's MajinSonic >w< Hey! The screenshots definitely look interesting and have a certain style to them, the sprites are cool. The colored names in the textboxes are a bit hard to read with the dark green background, I am really looking forward to this! Really curious to see how much it...
  4. Cunechan

    Group Plugin!

    I am a bit confused, it says it is for all developers, but we are supposed to make a plugin, right? I could imagine a way to event some stuff around it, but I suck at programming XD Is it only limited to plugins?
  5. Cunechan

    BigTrees Tileset Outside_B [Deleted]

    Hey! Not sure if you're aware of this, but as far as I know it's not legal to sell rtp edits, sadly (aww) Just wanted to let you know. Have a nice day (cute)
  6. Cunechan

    You found out your Paid Artist is plagiarizing something?

    well, if you trace over the mona lisa people will still notice (yes, it still is illegal), but it rather looks like a quote, though as it's supposed to be something own you should ask your artist if they can do something else? Like they can look at references but not trace it, if you know what i...
  7. Cunechan


    Maybe it would help if you mentioned how many sprites you need and what kind of (human, horse etc) ir the style? I might be available for help but not sure at the moment so I'll keep an eye on this thread xD
  8. Cunechan

    Sprites, Tilesets, and maybe Audio

    It would be easier if you posted the character references that need sprites here or say how many, say whivh specific tiles you need and the same about the music. Apart from that it looks like a lot of work and none of it really fits my schedule, but maybe it'd be easier to just recruit some...
  9. Cunechan

    Hellu .n. Welcome back~

    Hellu .n. Welcome back~
  10. Cunechan

    What??? (Cannot Open Project)

    I'm not sure how the mv steam version works so I'm probably no help; when you click on it does it open the project itself or gives you a choice which project to open? Is the project in several single folders? Could System recovery help? Did steam just crash when you played? Hmmm, have you tried...
  11. Cunechan

    Seven Mysteries Redux

    How does this have no replies?? I remember playing seven mysteries with my sister and was AMAZED and I also saw and played your other games and all you did for this one yet (seriously it's so good to see people like you putting so much effort into details or making explosion animations) aaah...
  12. Cunechan

    Awesome,Awesome,Awesome ^.^

    Ohhhh Ruffy, that's Luffy's name in Germany (from OP xD) aaah hi, I'm glad you got used to the engine ^^ and feel free to contact anyone here if you encounter any problems or have any questions. We're looking forward to seing more of you! Hope you'll have lots of fun here^^
  13. Cunechan


    I was looking for an english translation of wolf too :/ Awwhh that's a shame, game maker is so flexible (my friend and me are using it for a project and baaam it's so damn flexible), as for vx ace and xp i feel you ewe. I'd kinda recommend waiting for rm2k/2k3 to be on sale, I've already seen...
  14. Cunechan

    can we please change i miss summer so much but its still so cold ;w;

    can we please change i miss summer so much but its still so cold ;w;
  15. Cunechan

    ehm, you know she isn't dead ^^' she's actually active on her deviantart account...

    ehm, you know she isn't dead ^^' she's actually active on her deviantart account and on the new german rmmv forums and the german vx ace forums if you need to contact her.
  16. Cunechan

    Cyanide's and Starbird's Animated Gemstones

    I see somewhere someone plans on making a steven universe fan game xD aah good job you two, it looks amazing ouo
  17. Cunechan

    Beannachtaí, mo chairde maith~

    Awww hi and welcome to the forums ouo ♥ Don't worry, I'm pretty quiet too (at least lately), but it's still fun and worth the time to come here. You seem like a really nice person x3 I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hope you'll have lots of fun here too~
  18. Cunechan

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    Ahhh I really like the color palette you used there. The roofs and the windows colors are great. There's still quite enough room for more details! I didn't have architecture in school yet so I don't even know what this is oriented on, so don't expect much from me. Maybe stuff like street lamps...
  19. Cunechan

    and use it to save memes there and stuff like this :3 qwick qwuick~

    and use it to save memes there and stuff like this :3 qwick qwuick~
  20. Cunechan

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    In the last two days I made about five different character sprites with different clothing and expressions, though I wasted a lot of time arguing about politics ewe