Indie Dev

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Beannachtaí, mo chairde maith~


Well hi howdy hello! What a fancy little spot you guys have made, yes. =u=

I've been mostly doing coding like C++, C#, Java, etc all my life, quite familiar with js but I only just picked up MV so haven't had a chance to poke it's innards yet. It's definitely their most impressive one yet n I loooove~ that they brought back side view battle systems! Makes me kinda wanna do something like they have in them tales of games.

I've also done a smiiiiidge of sprite work. It takes me a coons age ta get arty stuff done but I enjoy it when I get a chance.

So yeah, introductions have been totally nailed. I might lurk a bit til I see what kinda community this place is rockin so sorry if I'm a bit quiet. Go raibh maith agat agus oiche maith. <3

(In case you're not up for bringing up a translator, It's gaelic for "Greetings, my good friends" and "Thank you and goodnight".)
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Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Nemo! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)


What a lovely greeting, thank you. :)

I have a terrible habit of trying to figure things out on my own but I could see myself really enjoying doing stuff like this as a hobby. Just browsing around the forums last night I learned many new things, such as the custom map painting and overlay trick. Lemme tell ya, mind: blown. (Not actually that would be messy.)

Perhaps I do have a question tho, if I were to get involved with discussing and sharing with others on this forum, what would be a good place to start? I checked the general and gaming discussion boards but they seemed fairly barren.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Awww hi and welcome to the forums ouo ♥ Don't worry, I'm pretty quiet too (at least lately), but it's still fun and worth the time to come here. You seem like a really nice person x3 I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hope you'll have lots of fun here too~


Oh aye, I've seen that pretty face a' yours while snoopin about. Nice ta meetcha~

Eh some stuff I used to diddly do, here's a spriting project I did for a friend (the drawing on the right isn't mine): [Insert Zelda reference]
Also used to work on a private FlyFF server a fair bit. Miss the job, was quite fun.
[oh snap it's (a) link]
[he gon' fight some gannon]
Been meaning to upgrade it to D3D11 but that's quite a workload for a robot gone rogue such as m'self. However, some screenies of some shader work I did:
[oh daaamn he got that light bow out]
[gannon bro you gotta book it] - This one here I didn't have an in game model handy so I used a tire. I basically had a cross-hatched texture that'd been screen aligned and alpha blended in inversely proportional to the amount of light bouncing off the model. Looks p sweet right? iunno maybe I'm just a nerrrd.

And since everybody could use more red pandas in their lives:

They're such precious things omg look at that FACE I wanna snuggle em >u<

But yeah, that's some stuff I've worked on before. I've also got a few worlds built in my head and I'd love to get em out so to speak. Been working on one in particular for some six years now, but work's kept me quite busy. :c It's got robots and trans-dimensional ghost wolves n whatnot, s'pretty rad.