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Needs Opion and Ideas...2


Towns Guard
Good gracious; how many more times..! YES, IT'S FINE..!

A bit cruel, perhaps, but, yes, it's more than fine, it's splendid..! You know, I'd really not like to be behind you in the queue when you're out shopping choosing underpants..! Be confident..! There are few (maybe some, but few...) as good at doing the kind of stuff you're doing. You're right to ask, I suppose, but be confident, just the same..! IT'S FINE..!
Thanks for the kind words, but I have reworked a bit meanwhile trying to fix a bit of the lower part, here it is:



Praised Adventurer
@Ronivan ...

Either or both are good; the effect is different, depending on how the Map Maker wants to portray the perspective. Personally, I'd go for the second one, and have the Wall in the fore to be through, above the Hero, so that he could appear from behind it. The first one is more true to 'straight' mapping, with the Wall to the fore being transparent, or virtual. Both are fine, both are valid, in my opinion.


Towns Guard
@Ronivan ...

Either or both are good; the effect is different, depending on how the Map Maker wants to portray the perspective. Personally, I'd go for the second one, and have the Wall in the fore to be through, above the Hero, so that he could appear from behind it. The first one is more true to 'straight' mapping, with the Wall to the fore being transparent, or virtual. Both are fine, both are valid, in my opinion.
Thanks a lot. Next I'll be doing a spiral stair in the small side tower. I'm thinking about doing a large version of the side tower, this one was made with 3 grids, I'm thinking about 9 grids. Its not difficult to make it, the real problem is specifying the correct area; you see I've used the Dodecagonal scheme for this small tower, I need to figure out the correct scheme for larger towers, and it may take a while. I need to think about creating large interior towers.
[doublepost=1479258103,1479241784][/doublepost]Did this:

Now after hours making 12 stair pieces, its time to make lots of variation for this stair, both way up and down.
[doublepost=1479389601][/doublepost]Alright so I fixed the stairs angle. Before it was 30º, which would be suitable to a hobbit's house stairs. New angle of 27,69º gave the correct spiral staircase size.

[doublepost=1479431890][/doublepost]This is how its becoming:

This was a way down version, now its time to make way up. : )
[doublepost=1479778006][/doublepost]Made this today, another incomplete scrap of something that I need to get together and try to relate on tileset to another; don't know yet how to do it.

I made this thinking about using a window door ( yeah something like a wooden window which you can open like a door), but I don't know if such concept ever existed in medieval times, I found something on late France castles of XII or XIII. It was made in a way it could be extended horizontally. Don't know yet how make use of this correctly. I need to catch up things here and try to make sense of them all as a complete set.

Well it's been a while, so I decide to do a work on the outside stuff, since I don't have any inspiration to do interiors. This is how its doing so far:

Incomplete again, this is just for sample. I think this small towers bellow need some work on the pillars, I don't think they are right. Perhaps the top gothic design should move on angles too, I'll think about that.
[doublepost=1481596664][/doublepost]Some ideias popped in my mind today, so I did some nice work on this tower.

Still unfinished, its a three section tower, I did only two sections, the third section was when I didn't had any idea anymore, so I decided to post anyway. Until next wave of inspirations that is.
[doublepost=1481657038][/doublepost]So I did not liked the lower parts of the tower, I finally finished it with a new second section and the last third with it.

[doublepost=1484021050][/doublepost]Hello everyone, and late happy new year!
I don't think I'll continue this particular post, cause it was so confusing in the end that I don't know how to get everything I created to far and create a decent Tileset that someone can actually make use of.
I decided to start over something new, made a small sample of my latest work. I'm not giving up the stone set, just giving it a time. I don't have much time to work with this stuff anymore so I guess I'll only post something when the work is almost complete, which will take a long time.



I think your cutaway effect isn't working. Took me ages to see it.

Take a look at how it is without the cut-away effect (ignore the dark bricks, I didn't bother recolouring):

That to me, with fresh eyes, looks far better. However, it is hiding navigable areas.

The solution I'd go with is to overlay this "correct" perspective, without cut-away, atop a version with cut-away as such:

So this would be applied on the topmost layer.


Towns Guard
Thanks you gave me a great idea for this one, and I'll keep it in mind when I return to this project. I'll be focusing now on my ''Valle'' project, based on romanesque architecture, and I'm already thinking about the interior, and I'll make good use of your recommendation.

Edit: I have to admit, I really have problem with packing things up in a way to give to other people to work with. First I thought to make use only of the standard MV tileset file size, now I don't think I'll make use of this kind of thing, I think I'll organize everything in respective order in a big image file, so makers can make use of the different parts when making the parallax using programs outside RPG Maker MV itself. This way will avoid a lot of trouble for me to organize everything in multiple files.
[doublepost=1484457553,1484069886][/doublepost]Its evolving nicely, still getting along with this style but its cool.



Towns Guard
Thanks. I've made some slow progress but this is how the parallax is doing:
(Don't mind the missing windows, they are under construction yet, as goes for the round tower window and shades)

IMPORTANT: Tree trunks are not my work, I found them in my stash of stuff to use in parallax, and I don't know who made them to give proper credit; as go for the stones. They are not my work and they will not be present in the final product. Also the tree leaves are from RPG Maker XP, I took them and used them in the tree trunks, and the background also from XP. This is meant only to provide decoration for the parallax and show as a sample how its doing, and also I make clear the the final product will be free, so I meant no comercial desires by making use of them.


Towns Guard
God, I wish I could afford it, I'd ask you to help me with my project. T_T
Hey thanks! I'm really busy too with the work, making this stuff is just a hobby. This is an incomplete new stuff I'm making now:

Missing shade effect and lots of other stuff, but is enough to show how its doing. Fist time doing this kind of buildings so I don't know if its alright.
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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ahhh I really like the color palette you used there. The roofs and the windows colors are great. There's still quite enough room for more details! I didn't have architecture in school yet so I don't even know what this is oriented on, so don't expect much from me. Maybe stuff like street lamps, those that hang on the side of the wall or gratings with certain patterns? (like fe this, idk I can also imagine in big buildings or churches some murals on the inside walls. It's just some random ideas, don't even know if they fit or if you wanted to do it anyway, sorry ^^' On some places the shadow is missing a bit and the transition of the chimney and the roof could be a bit more blended. Wow I'm really bad at advizing xD But eh it could help? dunno nvm

But man, those pillars (so many details♥)! I can't even say if you improved or not because your graphics have always been that amazing. Keep up the good work!


Towns Guard
Ahhh I really like the color palette you used there. The roofs and the windows colors are great. There's still quite enough room for more details! I didn't have architecture in school yet so I don't even know what this is oriented on, so don't expect much from me. Maybe stuff like street lamps, those that hang on the side of the wall or gratings with certain patterns? (like fe this, idk I can also imagine in big buildings or churches some murals on the inside walls. It's just some random ideas, don't even know if they fit or if you wanted to do it anyway, sorry ^^' On some places the shadow is missing a bit and the transition of the chimney and the roof could be a bit more blended. Wow I'm really bad at advizing xD But eh it could help? dunno nvm

But man, those pillars (so many details♥)! I can't even say if you improved or not because your graphics have always been that amazing. Keep up the good work!
Oh thank you! I'm basing on Romanesque Architecture for these, taking a bit of designs from many different places and trying adapt it to something else. Still lots of shade effects missing, I really suck on doing this stuff, but my main focus is trying to create the pieces and then join them together in the parallax to see how its mixing to the ambiance.
Trying to get the best out of modern ideas for decoration and mix them together.

The set has over 50 pieces so far, I still need to figure out how to organize them so people can make proper use. The problem is that some of the pieces require some adaptation, its not like you going to get them and stuff right way. Used some of the MV standard stuff for decoration purpose.

[doublepost=1489553068,1489514773][/doublepost]After some time thinking about it, I'll discontinue this project. I don't really like these wooden house structures, I didn't think they did well mixing with the ambiance, I can't explain. I've made lots of new stone stuff though, so I'll keep up improving these for now on. One day i might return to this wooden frame houses, but for now I'm done with them.

So thanks everyone for the help tips, I guess this post is closed for me.
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Towns Guard
So have a look of my new parallax, what you guys think?

I don't need to tell that the only work that is created by me is the main building in the middle. I have recycled a lot of works here. These trees gave me trouble, I used trunks from stuff that I had here and the leaves are from a random rpg maker 2003 tileset that I had.

And here is a small gift:

Mind not these template colors please, I'm will make new things in these someday.
[doublepost=1491621092,1491191440][/doublepost]What you guys think about this lift?
