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Needs Opion and Ideas...2


Towns Guard
And here's another sample. Some weeks ago I was working in this arch, I have just made this sample for opinions:

THIS is just a scrap I think, still under development.


Towns Guard
Alright so I give the arch another try:

Although its not finished, I need to rework the upper part where the pillars connects with the arches, the way it is is kinda strange. No problem its an easy fix. This is just for sample purpose.
[doublepost=1476064098,1475801288][/doublepost]Made this today.

This is part of the "Castle" tilesets I'm creating. I'm about to make a small parallax sample for the library, with actual books placed and some stuff to see how it's doing.


Towns Guard
Made a small parallax with the things I've create just for sample:

I dare to say its becoming cool, and I don't even have done a proper shade effect.


Towns Guard
So made something here, although its not finished and I don't when it will be, I decided to post here:

I'm still puzzle by which way I'll making the exterior walls, the black fields wrapping around the interior. I was thinking about some kind of a slice, as if it were like a doll house which you can open, so you the see inside the sliced walls and ground a bit. Anyway any suggestions are welcome.


Resident Dragon
Once again, loving the work and detail you're putting into these. :D

The only critique I have is that the arches in the above image look odd/awkward when placed on an angle like that. I think it might be that the support pillars may need to extend one square higher. It may be just me though.


Towns Guard
Once again, loving the work and detail you're putting into these. :D

The only critique I have is that the arches in the above image look odd/awkward when placed on an angle like that. I think it might be that the support pillars may need to extend one square higher. It may be just me though.
Thank yoo! I'll try something here, I'm not happy with the arches the way they are, I think I shoud change a bit the blocks of which they are made and place more details like the arch door next to them. The angle which the arches move up are 45º correctly, the same angle as the stairs and the rest; the problem the way I see was the ending point where the last arch touches the wall. I should "finish" the arch section properly, not just slice the pillar in the half; also the door arch is different from the rest of the arches, this difference is bad for the appearences, I shall correcty this. Note that the arches fill 96 pixels width, which translate to 2 blocks, I was thinking of a small arch window that fit only one block of 48 pixels. Also the pillars should be higher in a way that allows you to make it as high as you want. The problem is that the interior should look like the way the exterior is, many of these new pillars and arches are not present in the Stone Set exterior that I have made, I should place them in the exterior as well as an update to the Stone Set post. Lol too many things to work and I have so little time!
[doublepost=1477008267,1476970154][/doublepost]So I did some rework on the arch stairs, this is how it turned out:

Minor details are missing, but they are optional stuff that could be edited anytime.
[doublepost=1477241906][/doublepost]Made this door to fit that arch there:

In my opinion it has become too much fancy, I think I should make a simple version of this door.


Towns Guard
It has been a while, but I have done a simple version of the same door:

Of course this door would be more nice with 3 or more frames for animation purposes, so it will be like this in the released version, although it may take some time for me to do it. I think I should make a single door version for the castle too, in the same aspect of this one. The residencial version I have posted here will not be used, I'll make everything from scrap again, but for now I shall focus more on the castle interior stuff. I noticed I really suck on making object stuff, so I don't think I'll be doing much, if not any.


Towns Guard
Made a small door for the castle set. This one was very simple:

[doublepost=1478616548,1478381563][/doublepost]Okay so I reworked the last interior design and did some major changes in the wall and stairs.

Sorry for using just a common printscreen direct from the mv editor itself. I decided not using too much fancy stuff inside the castle, these staircase rails is quite enough. I decided not using that interior stuff that looked like a castle wall too, it seemed like exterior like things. I'll making something very similar, but made with wood. I'll be using lots of wood stuff inside too, like rails and support beams, and also wood stairs. My problem is that I don't have a concept art, much of what I made is based on real world places, and some other concept arts that had nothing to do with games. Any kind of building suggestion here will be welcome, please feel free to post any picture for me.


Praised Adventurer
It's going to be a darned shame if these excellent graphics aren't used in a Game of sorts. Is there no way for you to contact a software company and see if they could use your talents..? Is there no-one on this forum needing high-quality graphics for their fantasy world..? Could you produce a single place where all of your splendid work could be admired, and maybe fitted into a scenario by someone..? I admire your attention to detail, but am still of the opinion (of little worth, it should be noted...) that you're in danger of over-thinking, sometimes. Still, one shouldn't knock being a perfectionist; it's better than complacency, I'll grant. Brilliant stuff, in any case. Kudos; thanks for sharing; hoping to see much more in this vein.


Towns Guard
It's going to be a darned shame if these excellent graphics aren't used in a Game of sorts. Is there no way for you to contact a software company and see if they could use your talents..? Is there no-one on this forum needing high-quality graphics for their fantasy world..? Could you produce a single place where all of your splendid work could be admired, and maybe fitted into a scenario by someone..? I admire your attention to detail, but am still of the opinion (of little worth, it should be noted...) that you're in danger of over-thinking, sometimes. Still, one shouldn't knock being a perfectionist; it's better than complacency, I'll grant. Brilliant stuff, in any case. Kudos; thanks for sharing; hoping to see much more in this vein.
Thank you a lot. Its difficult to say, when I don't feel the stuff is right, I can't help but try to enhance its quality. I really enjoy doing this stuff, it clears my mind while I'm working. Also I have been studying how to make objects like trees, here's how its becoming:

Its my first tree, but I'll give more time to try again this, need to finish the castle stuff.
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Towns Guard
So I expend some time making some new stuff to castle, and now it became more interesting. The tileset for this thing is more like a puzzle, it will demand a awful lot of time picking the pieces and working them together, I'll try to make as simple as possible.

I know, no shade, no lighting effect that this picture deserved. I'm trying to focus more on the building itself than the light effects and such, this I know you guys will work a lot on later. I use my own tree for this one, and for the grass I used standard MV tileset so no worries.
[doublepost=1479181649,1478732381][/doublepost]Hello again friends. I've been trying to get a different perspective of interior here, so I while trying to figure out a nice way to create a tower interior, I decided to make something like a slice section. I've made a small sample bellow, still very much incomplete yet, but its how its becoming:

I don't know if I did the correct angles, but I really need some opinion on this; this sliced tower idea would work? Of course this is still incomplete, and I don't know yet how it will become, but I'm thinking about doing like a half spiral staircase there, the middle section of the tower, and the tower linking to a corridor or a room.
[doublepost=1479234687][/doublepost]So here's how it's becoming so far:

I still don't know if this kind of perspective is alright, I haven't done anything like this before, so this a totally new for me. I had really some bad time figuring out how the tower walls would not mess with the interior by hiding it, so this is all I could do, at least for now. Please any tips on this are welcome, I can't say if this perspective is alright.
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Praised Adventurer
Good gracious; how many more times..! YES, IT'S FINE..!

A bit cruel, perhaps, but, yes, it's more than fine, it's splendid..! You know, I'd really not like to be behind you in the queue when you're out shopping choosing underpants..! Be confident..! There are few (maybe some, but few...) as good at doing the kind of stuff you're doing. You're right to ask, I suppose, but be confident, just the same..! IT'S FINE..!