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  1. Akod

    Ah yes, a lot of people tend to act quite differently in chat groups. I avoid most of them for...

    Ah yes, a lot of people tend to act quite differently in chat groups. I avoid most of them for that reason. It's sad how much people mask their true personalities on forums.
  2. Akod

    I'm not sure what happened, but I'm sorry if someone offended or upset you. =( I know most of...

    I'm not sure what happened, but I'm sorry if someone offended or upset you. =( I know most of the active members here strive to make this a friendly place, but there's always a few that don't fall into this category.
  3. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    After watching your video it made me think about something; what if your issue doesn't stem directly from MV? So I did a little testing and I found that this problem is actually caused by the YEP BattleEngineCore plugin. There must an issue in the way it's written where it doesn't update the...
  4. Akod

    What are you listening to right now?

    Didn't care for it too much the first couple times it popped up in my music, but it grew on me.
  5. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Of course! I'll keep my eyes peeled for the link.
  6. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    For screen recorders, there was a thread for this a little while back with several recommendations. All were good suggestions, with only one not being free, so take your pick. As for your upload, it doesn't have to be a full demo. You can make a copy of your project and cut out everything that...
  7. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Would you mind uploading a demo with the problem? It'd make finding the culprit and a solution a bit easier.
  8. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Understandable, variables can seem a bit confusing or even overwhelming at first, so I'll try to explain what I'm talking about. So the first thing you want to do is open up the control variable command. There will be 3 sections inside it, the first section will be which variable or variables...
  9. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Hmm...You could, alternatively, use a variable and conditional branches to make it so each boss' events will only run if their current HP is greater than 0.
  10. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Have you tried just adding an event command to force the Knockout state on the boss that should be dead so it disappears before having the ability to activate the second set of events?
  11. Akod

    How to insert sprites in RPG Maker MV?

    In the character generator, above the save button you're talking about there should be a set of four buttons labelled something along the lines of face, walking, hurt, and battler. Pressing these will bring up a box with specific parts of the character you generated, which provide an export...
  12. Akod

    Forum Gamenight!

    According to what I read in the first post, it will start exactly 1 week from today, and for time of day it will be about 45 minutes prior to this post.
  13. Akod

    What audio format for Android..?

    I downloaded the android version you uploaded and I'm sorry to say that what you uploaded isn't android device ready. Upon deployment, MV creates a folder containing the required files to create an android app, which is what you uploaded, but there is a set of steps required to convert what MV...
  14. Akod

    What audio format for Android..?

    I believe the Android versions require M4A audio files instead of the OGG ones computers use.
  15. Akod

    How do you view variables in switches in MV?

    F9 should work in MV the same as it did in VX and Ace. I just tested to make sure and it popped up.
  16. Akod

    hello i like anime

    Welcome to the forum, @Rappy! No worries about not wanting to say your real name, that's part of the reason of having a username, yes? And being shy doesn't mean you can't also be friendly. Look at me, for example, I'm quite socially awkward when I'm around people I don't know very well, yet...
  17. Akod

    Negative Integers?

    I still don't quite understand where the problem is. If you have a variable set to 4 and subtract 10 it should show as -6, unless something else is resetting it to 0. Is it showing up as 0 through the text command I used in my last post or do you have a plugin that displays it somewhere else...
  18. Akod

    Negative Integers?

    Control Variables already handle negative numbers? Or are you talking about something else and I just misunderstood?
  19. Akod

    Making an attack more powerful if a state is active

    What you could do is make a "Blood" element and have the state make the person inflicted more susceptible to it via the Element Rate parameter.
  20. Akod

    Thank you for deciding to become part of the forums. =)

    Thank you for deciding to become part of the forums. =)