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What audio format for Android..?


Praised Adventurer
I've successfully deployed for Windows, Mac and Web-based; all works. When deploying for Android, however, the OGG files are not included. I can only test the Android version through my Chrome browser, is this why the OGG files are being flagged as missing (and missing, they are...). I can get it to work by copying over the OGG files, but I'd like to know if they're required for Android or not. Thanks in advance for any clarification.


Praised Adventurer
I believe the Android versions require M4A audio files instead of the OGG ones computers use.
Thanks for that, but I'll expand. I spent an hour this afternoon converting my OGG files (my compositions...) into the M4a format, especially for Android use. These, original, OGG files were not part of the Android deployment, but, being missing, were source of error when running the Android deployment through my PC's Chrome browser.
My question, really, should be: will this same error arise if run through a 'real' Android browser..? I have no Android devices, so cannot test this.
The answer will be simple enough, I suppose. I only have to upload the Android version to my shared Google Drive, and see if anyone out there would care to run it for me..! So be it; my 'Rachdale Cheese Demo will shortly (about an hour of upload time...) have both a Web and an Android version added...


Praised Adventurer
I downloaded the android version you uploaded and I'm sorry to say that what you uploaded isn't android device ready. Upon deployment, MV creates a folder containing the required files to create an android app, which is what you uploaded, but there is a set of steps required to convert what MV spits out into a usable android apk file. You can find a tutorial on how to do this in the MV help (F1) documentation.


Praised Adventurer
I downloaded the android version you uploaded and I'm sorry to say that what you uploaded isn't android device ready. Upon deployment, MV creates a folder containing the required files to create an android app, which is what you uploaded, but there is a set of steps required to convert what MV spits out into a usable android apk file. You can find a tutorial on how to do this in the MV help (F1) documentation.
OK, thanks for the swift test and reply; I'll look at that right away and post again once (if..?) I get it sorted out.
Back later...

Edit: OK I've looked through the 'Help' mentioned, and it's not a straightforward operation at all. I'll retire the Android version for now, and will post another update (probably with a new version...) once I've gone through all of those hoops. Nothing too frightening, but I'll need more than an hour or so to do it properly. No Android for now, then, but [Arnie's voice] "I'll be back..!" [/Arnie's voice]
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