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  1. Akod

    Ask Creature anything!

    Why did you choose to make your first post on the forum an AMA?
  2. Akod

    A New Designer Approaches!

    Welcome to the forum, @Closet! Glad you decided to join us. You joined the right place to make friends, I find that most everyone here is quite friendly. I look forward to seeing what you post on the site. =) I hope to see you around!
  3. Akod

    Newbie introduction

    Welcome to the forum! New to RPG Maker? This is a good place to be. Like @Cunechan said, there are plenty of tutorials here you can use to help learn MV, and we have plenty of skilled members who are more than happy to help with just about anything you need, all you have to do is ask. =) I...
  4. Akod

    Taking some time off.

    Well, this is a little unexpected, but I'm glad you left like this and not like you have been known to do before. It tells me you really haven't given up on this place. And don't worry, I'll talk a little bit more shit while you're away so the site doesn't get too soft. =) Maybe I'll put @Biz in...
  5. Akod

    Hi - Please help me propose to my future wife

    Welcome to the forum! I recall a story about a guy doing this with Ace, to a lesser degree, and his girlfriend absolutely loved it. It's a great way to propose to someone who enjoys gaming, and the fact that you're making it a story about her gives is a nice twist. Like @Jay said, we have...
  6. Akod


    Welcome to the forum, @David! Glad you found your way here. I look forward to seeing what you have to contribute to the site. =) I hope to see you around!
  7. Akod

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join us. I understand wanting to make a game with minimal assets taken from the internet, it's nice to be able to say something you made is all original content made by you. Just remember, we're here to help, and it's not always bad to have outside...
  8. Akod

    Not so much. BDO is designed for endgame PvP, so the only real good endgame PvE would be the...

    Not so much. BDO is designed for endgame PvP, so the only real good endgame PvE would be the world bosses.
  9. Akod

    It's pretty easy in the beginning, but it does get more difficult later on. You could probably...

    It's pretty easy in the beginning, but it does get more difficult later on. You could probably power level from 1 to 50 in about 15 hours if you tried, but then you'd be the high level player with no gear and no money.
  10. Akod

    Newbie Indie Game Dev

    Welcome to the forum! I don't see why you're apologizing for your English, it's honestly better than that of some of my friends who have English as their first (for some, their only) language. As for your game, I like the idea of changing it to top down perspective. For being something that...
  11. Akod

    Introduce myself? Sure. Why not?

    Welcome to the forum! It's nice to see you decided to come out of the shadows and introduce yourself. This may not exactly be the best place to find scripts for an Ace project, as it uses a completely different language, but I'm sure there are people who wouldn't mind going back to RGSS3 if you...
  12. Akod

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the forum! Glad you were able to find your way here, this is a good place to be for new RM users. We definitely have resources, so you came to the right place for those, and on top of that we have plenty of helpful members who are more than happy to help in any way they can. It may...
  13. Akod

    Hi, new here.

    Welcome to the forum! When you first start using RPG Maker it may seem like a lot to take in, but once you get down the basics it really is quite a fun and easy program to use. It's good to hear you aren't having too hard of a time learning, so far, and as @Jay said, there are plenty of members...
  14. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you with us. Is this your first time using an RPG Maker program? I hope to see you around!
  15. Akod

    Winner of Election Number 2!

    Congrats on winning, @Jay! I'm sure you'll be a great addition to our staff. =) Better luck on the next election, @sage, you still have my vote. You as well, @EvilChibi, you were another great choice for moderator and I still would have been happy if you had won instead.
  16. Akod

    Hello Makers!

    Welcome to the forum, @rodriung! Converting personal tabletop game sessions into an RPG Maker game? That's a nice concept and it'll probably make a great game. Then again, if you and your friends play like me and my friends played D&D it'll be a challenge, as that amount of absurd craziness...
  17. Akod

    Only 10 hours left to enter the Disgaea PC giveaway...

    Only 10 hours left to enter the Disgaea PC giveaway!
  18. Akod

    @[871:@MinisterJay] I understand it's natural for this to happen, it's just sad to see people...

    @[871:@MinisterJay] I understand it's natural for this to happen, it's just sad to see people go. I should be fully back now, maybe a little inactive the first week of March, so I hope to bring my activity here back up. @[436:@Macro] Thanks! Good to be back, I missed this place while I was away.
  19. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! Glad to see you've joined us. A film major? That's cool. How would you say your film skills affect your game designing? I hope to see you around!
  20. Akod

    I was (mostly) gone for several days and I apparently missed something huge. This is crazy.

    I was (mostly) gone for several days and I apparently missed something huge. This is crazy.