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Search results

  1. Akod

    Only 2 more days to enter the Disgaea PC giveaway...

    Only 2 more days to enter the Disgaea PC giveaway!
  2. Akod

    It's still morning where I am, come hang out over here so you can ignore the homework for...

    It's still morning where I am, come hang out over here so you can ignore the homework for another half a day. =P
  3. Akod

    Any good and simple screen recorder for PC(windows)

    @Soul Isn't Camtasia something stupid like $300, though?
  4. Akod

    It's really good. The system where you have to combo certain skills into others is really fluid...

    It's really good. The system where you have to combo certain skills into others is really fluid, they did a really good job on it. And the fact that you get most of your exp from killing monsters instead of quests is nice, and makes more sense.
  5. Akod

    No, my black desert beta started two days ago and runs through the end of the day tomorrow. So...

    No, my black desert beta started two days ago and runs through the end of the day tomorrow. So much to test, so little time. =(
  6. Akod

    Are Educational Games in RPG Maker a good idea?

    What do you mean? You can still purchase it right off of the RMW site.
  7. Akod

    How do you commute?

    I tend to walk most places. It's good exercise and I live fairly close to most things I'd want to go to. When I need to go somewhere not in walking distance I tend to bum rides off of friends and family, mostly because I hate driving so much. That doesn't stop most people, why let it stop you? ;)
  8. Akod

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join us here. Our community may not be as large as some, but we more than make up for it in friendliness, so I think you'll like it here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. =) I hope to see you around!
  9. Akod

    Do you like maths

    I've always been a fan of math. It's used everywhere in every day situations, so it's good to know. Plus, math has always come naturally to me, so it was easy to like. Too bad I was a lazy student and turned down most of the advanced class recommendations given to me. =P
  10. Akod

    Any good and simple screen recorder for PC(windows)

    CamStudio is a nice, lightweight free screen recorder. I use it from time to time, but it stopped being updated in 2013, so visually it's a little outdated, not that that affects your videos. OBS is also a great recommendation.
  11. Akod

    Checking in

    Welcome to the forum, @blackavocado! New to MV? This is a great place to be. It's full of fun, friendly people who can help you with just about anything you may need. Our tutorials section may not be the largest, but our resources are plentiful, so I'm sure you'll find something that interests...
  12. Akod

    It's P2P, with a one time payment of $30 for the basic package. It's looking amazing, though, so...

    It's P2P, with a one time payment of $30 for the basic package. It's looking amazing, though, so it's probably worth it. I'll be able to give a more definite answer in a few days. =)
  13. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    @Micro are you currently working on any RPG maker games? I am not currently working on any RPG Maker games. I've never been very interested in making a game with RPG Maker, actually. I mean, I enjoy tinkering with it, and I've been previously recruited by several people to help them with their...
  14. Akod

    Everyday Life Stuff that Reminds YOU of an RMMV Member

    I wouldn't say quite a bit. A handful, maybe. And my avatar was a request during Apoc's Resource Hog resource spree. Hey, I have that one, too. =P I have all entries from that contest backed up, actually.
  15. Akod

    Hello! Nice to meet you!

    She's talking about @Amysaurus. If you do manage to persuade her to make you an avatar, it'd be a great choice. Also, she'll probably ask for a reference, so be sure to have something ready, like a list of key features of what you look like or what you want your avatar to look like. =)
  16. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    @Micro What games are you playing right now? The games I'm currently playing consist of Dark Souls 2: SotFS and Gravity Rush Remastered, mostly, with PAYDAY 2 here and there. favorite Pokemon? (if you've played it) Arcanine would have to be my favorite. Coke or Pepsi? Both are good, and I...
  17. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    @Micro hmmm, both I guess! I was going for personality-wise, but since you mentioned otherwise..why not? This was a difficult question. I had to use one of my lifelines for this one. =P According to my sister, who has a better idea for these things about me, I look like Adol Christin from the YS...
  18. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    @Cunechan Silent Hill 2 (amazed) do you enjoy horror ? Very much so. It's definitely my favorite game genre. One could actually take your avatar as bust in a rmmv community game XD Which role would you play in a community fangame ? Indeed they could. It is, after all, my old community...
  19. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    @Micro Top 5 favorite games? This is a tough one...I'd have to say my top 5 games are Shadowgate, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid, Monster Hunter 4, and Spec Ops: The Line, in no particular order. Favorite fantasy race? My favorite fantasy race is actually Kobolds. There's something about those...
  20. Akod

    Akod's AMA

    The character in my avatar comes from my old community character back from my days, but it was originally modeled after one of my favorite D&D characters, a Tiefling named Galic. My username comes from a nickname I had early on in my internet life. Back then, my username was quite long...