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  1. Akod

    All this overtime I'm doing is mind numbing, but all that money, makes it almost worth it.

    All this overtime I'm doing is mind numbing, but all that money, makes it almost worth it.
  2. Akod

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    Looks good. Works well on my phone, too. Now if only my computers primary web browser didn't swap as well, or that there was a way to manually swap back. =P
  3. Akod

    Sponsorship Question

    If I recall correctly, Xyphien does them manually, so your account will probably be updated next time he gets on.
  4. Akod

    ................... Hi. ...

    Welcome to the forums, @Nailo! It's okay if you don't want to talk much, the site is good for lurkers as well. And if you ever feel like saying something we'll be happy to hear what you have to say. =) I hope to see you around.
  5. Akod

    Tattoo thread

    Very nice. Is there a meaning behind each game/show in the tattoo, or did you just choose ones you particularly like? That's half the fun, right? ;)
  6. Akod

    Your Top 10 Favorite Movie!

    Hmm...interesting thing to think about. I probably couldn't put them in any order, but mine would be something like this. There are others that I struggled to fit in, but 10 isn't a lot so they didn't make the cut. You know, you're probably the only other person I know who has even seen this...
  7. Akod

    Glad to hear it! =)

    Glad to hear it! =)
  8. Akod

    Poisoned? That's not good. =( If that's the case, I hope you get better soon. Be sure to get...

    Poisoned? That's not good. =( If that's the case, I hope you get better soon. Be sure to get plenty of rest and avoid eating anything else poisonous. We don't want you to die, now do we? ;)
  9. Akod

    Share Your Desktop !

    A solid six months since the last desktop was shared. Time to bump this back to the top. Since my last post I changed a whole 3 icons and the wallpaper. It was rough, I almost didn't make it.
  10. Akod

    bug or error not sure

    This is actually a common error in multiple iterations of RPG Maker. Due to the fact that the program is set up to read all sprite sheets with the layout of a series of 3x4 sprite sets any sprites that don't fit this layout will not be read properly, causing issues like the one you face. The...
  11. Akod

    Naming an "Atelier"-Game

    The term "Atelier" was a pre-existing French word that Gust simply chose to use for their game franchise, so there is no reason you wouldn't be allowed to use it in the title of your game. It would be along the same lines of naming your game 'anything "Fantasy"', where it's fairly clear where...
  12. Akod

    What are you listening to right now?

    Ah, these bring back memories. I remember listening to these back in high school when I was first getting into edm.
  13. Akod

    [Over 1,000 MV Icons] RPGMakerAce Converted to MV

    @starlinked Within your games folder go into the sub directory "img", then within that folder go into the sub directory "system". Replace the file "IconSet.png" with this one, making sure the new file has the same name.
  14. Akod

    android games

    Check out this tutorial on how to export android versions of your MV games. It has a video as well as written steps, so it's quite easy to follow.
  15. Akod

    It's happened to me on several occasions. I'd say that it is uncommon, but not abnormal.

    It's happened to me on several occasions. I'd say that it is uncommon, but not abnormal.
  16. Akod

    npc not in the right spot in cut sceen

    Glad to hear it! If you run into any other issues don't hesitate to ask. =)
  17. Akod

    npc not in the right spot in cut sceen

    So if I understand this correctly you're trying to use the image as a parallax background? If this is the case, then your problem is likely that the parallax has simply shifted to match the screen's position. Try putting an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the backgrounds file name...
  18. Akod

    Only 9 more hours to enter the Bioshock franchise giveaway!

    Only 9 more hours to enter the Bioshock franchise giveaway!
  19. Akod

    Welcome back!

    Welcome back!
  20. Akod

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Glad you were able to solve your problem! And with such a simple fix, too.