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How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Users will have to scroll down, and manually change the theme to the mobile theme. And then manually change back upon logging into the desktop. It isn't the most efficient, but the best thing I can do at this moment. So, this theme won't be affected at all
Perfect, sounds good to me, will be nice having an extra theme sitting around.


Staff member
Resource Team
Alright. So, I slightly fixed the mobile theme. However, the theme has some flaws. Such as if you go to the resources section whilst in mobile mode. The logo/banner is at the bottom of the page instead of the top. Small things like that, however, I feel like the mobile theme is better/less crowded than the current one on mobile devices. I also have it set up to auto configure based off of the device you're using. If you all can check it out, and give some feedback on that, that'd be great!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ahh I really like the new theme <3 (it reminds me of the old original one in a way)


Praised Adventurer
Looks good. Works well on my phone, too. Now if only my computers primary web browser didn't swap as well, or that there was a way to manually swap back. =P


Resident Dragon
Looks good. Works well on my phone, too. Now if only my computers primary web browser didn't swap as well, or that there was a way to manually swap back. =P
You should stab [your web browser] with a rusty spoon. Or at least threaten it. It tends to not like the concept of walking funny. LOL


Towns Guard
1) The friendly Community
2) The quick replies
3) The admin being helpful

1) Not sure I haven't been here long haha

1) Not sure

Jean Cad

Towns Guard
What I like:
Overall the site is good and you guys are doing a fantastic job maintaining it.

What I would like:
More discipline from those who post resources so we can really know what it looks like et what are the constraints.


Staff member
Resource Team
What I like:
Overall the site is good and you guys are doing a fantastic job maintaining it.

What I would like:
More discipline from those who post resources so we can really know what it looks like et what are the constraints.
We're currently working on fixing this problem with the resources. We're trying to ensure everyone has some form of pictures/descriptions, etc.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've been working on templates for each resource section, it will be as simple as copying the template and filling in the information where required. I hope this will clean up the resources.
I also plan on taking some moderation action and disapproving resources which don't match the current criteria. The staff will be having a meeting on resource criteria and the disapproval process soon.


Xyphien said:
tell us 3 things you love about the site

  1. The “Resources” are why I’m here at all! That’s what I bookmarked this site and registered for. I truly love the categorized list and how easy it is to find which resource you are seeking. Other places just put graphics with graphics, but you all got it down to even generator parts without having to search long and hard for the particular resource I am getting.
  2. I love what you’re doing right now: asking your traffic how to improve something that is already so good. I agree, there is always room for improvement, and I love the fact you are willing to continue to work on things even though outside of some banning and blocking, it could technically be self reliant.
  3. I love how the board makes everything a little more convenient with tips and hints on where to go next to get the latest news, or how to become a part of your community. For example, right now I’m being told my profile is only 50% complete, as I haven’t uploaded an avatar, nor introduced myself, but I can easily review what I have done with strikes through the font explaining I’ve finished updating my profile and explaining my RM skills. On the side of that I have buttons that will take me to Cyanide’s Art Deco, Ocarina of Time System, and how to add Social Media Buttons to my game via plug-in.

Xyphien said:
3 things you dislike about the site
  1. Badges: I know people love badges and just have to collect them all like Pokemon, but I just don’t agree that people should be rewarded for spending their free time on the message boards, or completing odd tasks. It’s no deal breaker by any means, but it’s just something I personally dislike.
  2. The Colors: I love basic, but the white on grey thing has been done since SNES Dragon Quest. Simple is nice when it looks advance and sophisticated at the same time. My first time finding your page I did not expect to see the type of professionalism that you have based on the basic color scheme and old BB Board freebie layout.
  3. Premium: Why is there a premium AND a donate button? Isn’t that a bit much? I make websites for a living, and that’s kind of a well-known professional no-no.

Xyphien said:
3 improvements you feel would help the site become better
  1. Get rid of the copyright information explaining “Quality Add-Ons by WMTech WebMachine Technologies” - You want “HONEST” feedback, that makes your board look very primitive. When you pay for a site, (which I’m guessing you did not) you are paying for all of it’s graphics, it’s code, contents, and legal ownership to it’s copyrights. I love the site, but again these couple cosmetic issues could be the difference between “” and “” - Kind of a bad example, but I’m looking up some new J’s at the moment and I’m sure you do get the point I’m trying to make.
  2. Hand-in-hand with my 2nd dislike, the layout and look… I won’t get annoying and repeat my 2nd dislike, you mostly seem to be extremely smart people from what I’ve observed.
  3. Perhaps getting permission from some other sites to share resources found on them, I’ve got a ton of generator parts from other websites you simply do not have here… Granted, you’ve got your own unique stuff as well. This really isn’t a problem by any means, but you asked for honesty in room for improvement, and that would be awesome, wouldn’t it? If this site had all of the resources available? Due to copyright and the respect for artist and programmers I don’t even know if that is possible, but if it is, I’ll help!

And that is all, let me tell you I do appreciate your site very much. As you have probably noticed I haven’t introduced myself or even uploaded an avatar… I observe and download the resources, and write down the names of the people who get credit. I haven’t donated, nor have I gone “premium” so I figured if you’re asking for a moment of my time in return for all you’ve done, then it’s the very least I can do to say “Thank you, and I am grateful for your hard work” - I am Jack’s appreciation.

- Majura (aka Edge: Yes, that same Edge from IRC 15 years ago to any possible oldbies who are still around)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Perhaps getting permission from some other sites to share resources found on them, I’ve got a ton of generator parts from other websites you simply do not have here… Granted, you’ve got your own unique stuff as well. This really isn’t a problem by any means, but you asked for honesty in room for improvement, and that would be awesome, wouldn’t it? If this site had all of the resources available? Due to copyright and the respect for artist and programmers I don’t even know if that is possible, but if it is, I’ll help!
that's something that's up to the artists/creators though ewe I wouldn't like when people would just repost my things without knowing where or without permission..

But aside from that it's some good points. I barely know anything about websites but I noticed it too at the end of the side. I'm gonna watch a weird, old nicolas cage movie now, bye ~


Global Moderator
I'm a completely new member (joined yesterday or so?) and haven't explored quite a bit, so this is mostly just my reactions to the site as a total newbie. But...So far, I do love it and have feedback. If it's repetitive, I apologize in advance.

What I like:
1. The friendly people! Seriously, so many people have welcomed me already, staff and non-staff alike. It makes me smile. As this is meant to be a community, it really shows it off well!
2. The resources. I find it neat that people can sell their own resources to others for a bit, and how vast the free ones are. I found the site while looking for tilesets...And I found way more than that. This site is just full of generosity!
3. Badges. I don't know why, but the badges and alerts for them make me giggle. Somehow I always like badges and the like on sites...It makes it like a game in a way- and for a game-making community, that's just a bonus right?

What I'm not thrilled about yet:
1. I feel lost. I was told where to post my introduction, but I don't quite know what to do next besides lurk so far. I think some advice for that would be good for the more timid people like myself. But, since the community is so friendly, I'm sure someone will guide me soon anyway.
2. In regards to badges, there are things that aren't well explained on the page to me. I'm mostly talking the youtube video concept (seriously, I have no idea what that's talking about) and simple things like that. If the answer is hiding somewhere, I haven't noticed it quite yet...
3. Um...I have no idea at this stage of a third thing. Too new to have too much to complain about at all.

Improvement Ideas:
1. Well I basically noted it earlier, but some sort of guide for new users of the site that helps them feel less nervous if they have social anxiety like me. I like that I was told to do an intro, but...I feel like being guided a bit more could be helpful in some cases. It's hard to say.
2. I think the menu bar could be improved. I have an issue (in Chrome) where it doesn't like to show the submenu as quickly unless I click it, but then it takes me to the header page for the section before I can choose. I'm not sure if this is more a bug issue or just something that might be improved.
3. Perhaps having sub-groups in the resource area for paid and not paid, just so they're not all clumped together by resource type itself? I'm not sure if that's difficult or not, but...It's a thought. Though having them together has its perks I suppose.

...Did I do okay? I'm a little sleepy so I have no idea if this makes sense...


I've been on a lot of forums for a lot of years lol, have to say this one is really nice. Glad to support it. Just a old woman's perspective


Im very New to RPG Maker, just trying to catch up with the good things, but its all good (jolly)
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