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  1. hbn

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Side by side comparison pic of the starting village between MV and XP. This is just the top part of the village. The village will consist of four maps. One being a path, one being a field, and the other being the main part of the place. Will be adding a few more terraces on the right-side of...
  2. hbn

    How do you start a new Project

    I create the project... then I get bogged down in planning, creating overly ambitious ideas I've no chance of implementing. At the moment that is happening to my project. It has been carried across from the RMXP and so most of the progress and ideas for that will move across, such as character...
  3. hbn

    Feedback please for levelling system.

    A similar concept was used in Final Fantasy 8 of sorts. It had levelling but all levels had about 2000 exp between and offered negligible attribute upgrades. Most of the attribute boosts were given through junctioning spells to said attributes and weapon upgrades. However, because your levels...
  4. hbn

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Not really adding to the game but I've been doing planning.... creating ideas that I've no idea how are gonna be put in game with my skill level. One of them is probably gonna share the SP system... however on earth I'll manage to do that. I'm too poor to hire a scripter. Anyone got any advice...
  5. hbn

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I mostly looked at how magic works and how people are able to use abilities. Since humans are the typically cliche child race of a far greater civilisation they're magical abilities are somewhat subdued. Magic is split into two (maybe three) classes malemagic (basically black magic) and...
  6. hbn

    Fallen From Solace

    My proper first project that I started in XP, I've decided to shift development to MV. Unfortunately this means much of the progress I made has been abandoned though I'm still taking the ideas across. I'm still developing the main plot of the story, though I'm not sure how it will mostly unfold...
  7. hbn

    Now then...

    Thanks. It's been on my 'to learn' list for quite a long while. I've just never got around to it. I'll be sure to check them out though I'll need to learn JS if I'm to implement even half of my ideas.
  8. hbn

    Changing Classes without initialising levels

    Yeah. I see it now. Coulda sworn it weren't there previously. Don't half feel a fool (ignored) Thanks for the help.
  9. hbn

    The Chrono Mage Chronicles

    Impressed with the parallax mapping. Will have to learn this technique since I'm not a massive fan with the VX style tiles. I find them less... flexible... than the XP era ones.
  10. hbn

    Now then...

    Hi. I'm hbn. I'm new to this forum, though I'm not completely new to RPG Maker. I've used RPG Maker XP to create a project however, due to development hell and overly-ambitious ideas and desires for the project it's not gone anywhere. Any how I've decided to move it to RMMV to see if I can find...
  11. hbn

    Changing Classes without initialising levels

    Hi. Apologies if this is the wrong forum. As part of my project, the characters change class at specified times. I've been testing the game with the events. I have used the 'change class 'event command, but when I do it the character's level resets to 1. When I change the class back to the...