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How do you start a new Project

Do you plan everything ahead?

  • Yep

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Nope

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Sometimes, depends on the project

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters


I feel the amount of planning that goes into the initial stages of the game depends on how you want the game to play out.

Ideally in my opinion, it would be best to establish a sensible history behind the game even if most of the game is in the realm of fantasy.

For example, prior planning can be the difference between your town layouts looking random or not looking realistic. I find if I don't plan things out I may insert more puzzles into my games to kill time in between bosses but ultimately I feel this is just patching up the fact that I didn't plan things out properly.

Let's say you enter a cave area. Without prior planning you might be fighting any random old enemy you find or draw up. With some back story as in let's say Slime creatures spawn off the gem stones that grow inside the cave, you now have an enemy that doesn't have a random origin and makes more sense to be in the area you're at. To build off that, let's say the gem stones are valuable so many people go in the cave to mine these and are attacked by the slime creatures that are trying to preserve their lives. Then, we'll say some NPC pays you to clear out the slime queen or to protect his men while they mine the gems. Just off of this right here, you have many possibilities that make perfect sense for either a side quest or part of the main quest before you go to the next area. We'd say the NPC would either give you a closed reward (if a side quest) or and open reward (if part of the main quest) which would lead you further along in the story. The more your story is planned out overall, the more people will feel a part of it to me at least. Now, you can add in more empathy to the situation if you were able to show the slimes only attacked the miners in order to protect their own lives. In this way you end up with creatures that aren't pure evil but are fighting for their own survival which makes them have more character.

The RPG I started currently is mainly a place holder for the music I'm making to get back into the swing of things. I feel when I do start my real RPG, I will plan out a lot of the history of the world and how the creatures (enemies) live. This will include both animal like enemies and human like enemies. Going further, when planning out skills or abilities it'll be good to show why they even came to exist in the world you're making in the first place. Not everything needs to be detailed but whatever forces are the main drive behind your narrative, the more depth behind them the more into it the player will feel. Think of a game like Undertale where every boss has character and isn't just a place holder enemy. Ultimately it's up to you how much time and effort you want to put into your project. It's tough to sit down and relax and to approach things slowly. Myself, I often want to jump right in and just create.

Being patient with yourself I feel will most likely lead to the best results. I hope I was able to help!


Towns Guard
I create the project... then I get bogged down in planning, creating overly ambitious ideas I've no chance of implementing. At the moment that is happening to my project. It has been carried across from the RMXP and so most of the progress and ideas for that will move across, such as character designs, world designs, etc. Most of the story and lore that I have atm is current in a OneNote notebook, something I've found is quite useful for collating all little tidbits, especially since the app is free and it syncs meaning if an idea comes to me on the go, I can add it with my phone.

There are three methods of story creation that I've noticed though, is that some write the story as they go and retrofit as they get further, and then you have some who create the entire history and whatnot beforehand and use that as references as they go along. The third is working backwards but I'm not sure how prevalent or widely used that is.


Towns Guard
The basic idea to my game came more through another game I've played. Because there are many questions were in that game that were not even released at the end. So I started to write down questions, trying to find even an explanation for it. Irgendwan I started the statements write and to make a own storry.

Then I gebann imagine how that would probably act as a game . I began to think how I can make the Storry and the characters believable based on the racetype they are and also on the come from. Ich habe viel an Litteratur über mytische Wesen gelesen, damit meine Hauptfiguren glaubhafte Charakterzüge haben.

Then there is the location where I want to play it, because I do not like it when two stories play in the same reality and then even at the same Locations. Therefore I have decided to create a whole new continent.

Even the time at which it plays was important to me when the rewrite Storry. Of course, the Characktere also need a reason why they are on the continent and not on their own and That will be the plot of the Storry it self.

I know that what I have written belongs not really to the point. But so I have started the Projeckt about 2 years ago and I am only now as far as to try to put into action. Quite late, is not it?


First things I do are look for plugins and graphics, as an old time user of rpg maker I hate it when I get an idea and half way throug I have to change it becouse of something just came out. So the best thing I can tell you is look at all the resources first. You might just also get a new idea just from someone elses posting. Before you realy make the game just have all your ducks in a row. lol