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Now then...


Towns Guard
Hi. I'm hbn. I'm new to this forum, though I'm not completely new to RPG Maker. I've used RPG Maker XP to create a project however, due to development hell and overly-ambitious ideas and desires for the project it's not gone anywhere. Any how I've decided to move it to RMMV to see if I can find better luck picking up Javascript to code the ideas since I imagine it being more useful to me, and to see if I can take advantage of the new deployment methods by porting it to Android/iOS and Mac as well.

I'm from the UK, to be precise the North of England.

Anyway hope to see you guys around the forum, assuming I can keep interested in developing.


Staff member
Hi hbn. Welcome to the community. It is awesome that you want to learn JavaScript. In the mean time, we do have over 200 plugins available for you to try out.


Towns Guard
Thanks. It's been on my 'to learn' list for quite a long while. I've just never got around to it.

I'll be sure to check them out though I'll need to learn JS if I'm to implement even half of my ideas.