Hi. Apologies if this is the wrong forum.
As part of my project, the characters change class at specified times. I've been testing the game with the events. I have used the 'change class 'event command, but when I do it the character's level resets to 1. When I change the class back to the original default one the level returns to what it was before. I can't see an option in the event command panel to carry the level over. Is there another way to do this as I want it? I'm aware of variables but I'm not too skilled with them and I've not yet tested them out yet.
I'm guessing I can set a variable for each party member to store the character levels and gained experience points and use it to store them until I change class and then re-set them, but I don't know how to do that. It's been awhile since I did eventing and I've not used variables that many times before.
As part of my project, the characters change class at specified times. I've been testing the game with the events. I have used the 'change class 'event command, but when I do it the character's level resets to 1. When I change the class back to the original default one the level returns to what it was before. I can't see an option in the event command panel to carry the level over. Is there another way to do this as I want it? I'm aware of variables but I'm not too skilled with them and I've not yet tested them out yet.
I'm guessing I can set a variable for each party member to store the character levels and gained experience points and use it to store them until I change class and then re-set them, but I don't know how to do that. It's been awhile since I did eventing and I've not used variables that many times before.