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Search results

  1. CT_Bolt

    Plugin for voiceover etc.?

    Couldn't find one... Soooo..... I made one... How much? lol jk Just kidding, this one's free. (cool)(icecream) CTB_EscapeCodes Plugin: Click Here to Download/View (Aka. Add Sounds to Messages via Escape Codes) To use: Place the following Escape Code in a message box Escape Code: \se[n]...
  2. CT_Bolt

    Assign a variable with the map tileset value?

    Oh that's wonderful to hear! No problem. Happy to help. (cute)(thumbsup) I'll be around if you need anything else. (cool)(icecream) Problem solved.Thread now closed.
  3. CT_Bolt

    Assign a variable with the map tileset value?

    Hmm... depending on what the item does I have a few different approaches... However this is only actually a "work around". As the item really is being used the other effects/damage/etc. would still be done also. That being said this seems to be the best way without using a plugin...
  4. CT_Bolt

    Planting Saplings Eventing/Menu?

    Sounds like it will be a fun game to play. (cute) Update: Phew that was actually pretty tough to do without plugins. But I did it! Yay!(cool) I have made a demo for you. It is a simplified version with no digging, watering, etc. Seems limited only to 3 types of crops per soil patch though due...
  5. CT_Bolt

    Script for Party Leader equipped weapon(Solved)

    Hmm... let's see... Part 1: Part 2: Let me know if this helps. (cool)
  6. CT_Bolt

    Set move route via script for event (solved)

    No prob. Happy to help. (cute)(icecream) Thread closed now due to this being solved. (cool)(thumbsup)
  7. CT_Bolt

    Set move route via script for event (solved)

    I wrote a small plugin to help you along on your game making adventure. (cute) function setBomb(eventId){ var x = $gamePlayer._x; var y = $gamePlayer._y; switch ($gamePlayer._direction){case 2:y=y+1; break; case 4:x=x-1; break; case 6:x=x+1; break; case 8:y=y-1; break;}...
  8. CT_Bolt


    Interesting idea. Anything that promotes forum activity and is community based/funded sounds good to me. I always like a good game dev contest. (hella) Show of "thumbs" (like this post)... should we start the above event?
  9. CT_Bolt

    Creating multi-level structures?

    I attempted to recreate the castle using sand. (...sand castle lol) Does this look close? There's a lot of shift-click mapping going on there.(cool) Hope that helps. Please let me know if this helps. (cool)
  10. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Oh glad to hear that! No problem, happy to help. (cute) Well if you think of more features you'd like added to that plugin feel free to post ideas/suggestions in the discussion thread: CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings Discussion Thread - Click Here to View Thread now closed due to this being solved...
  11. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Yup. So all is solved?
  12. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Hmm... See demo: Click Here to Download With the plugin no events at all are now needed for the prompt to get on/off vehicle. Just enter your question in the plugin parameters. (cool) Simply place the vehicles where you want them to start. (cute) Set the starting vehicle image in the system...
  13. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    With my plugin you don't need an extra event at all. Your old event to board the ship is no longer needed as well as another vehicle prompt events. Now to do all the prompt just place the boat vehicle where you want it. That's all it is so far. That way you don't have to event the boat prompt...
  14. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Oh sorry forgot to mention that part. That menu is by right clicking the map name and clicking "edit". I can help more when I get home if needed. Yeah I'm honestly not sure why it can't land there but I think that is how it is works in MV by default the way I mapped it... really not important...
  15. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Oh glad to hear it. (cool)(thumbsup) Sorry it took so long to reply... ended up taking a nap. Like this? Small Demo I made (hosted online) Play Demo: click here This is how you would do that: PS. I've updated my vehicle settings plugin and looks like all is working properly. (cute) That...
  16. CT_Bolt

    CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings

    CT_Bolt updated CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings with a new update entry: Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings - Bugfix

    Fixed a major bug.
  18. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Well you should be able to move across any "shallow water" tiles. It should be in Block D of Part 1 in the tileset. Make sure you are using the correct tile for the water in the correct location of the tileset you use is the database. Copied from the help file: I've created a plugin to help...
  19. CT_Bolt

    CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings

    CT_Bolt submitted a new resource: CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings - Add's more customization of vehicle settings Read more about this resource...
  20. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker CT_Bolt's Vehicle Settings .2

    Description This plugin will give you more customization of vehicle settings. ☞ Demo (hosted online): Click Here to Play ☜ ☞ Demo (project): Click Here to Download ☜ Current Features Prompt displayed to ask a yes or no question to get on or off a vehicle. Possible Future Features Custom...