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  1. CT_Bolt

    Walking on tiles

    Yeah sure is. (cool)(thumbsup) Does that help?
  2. CT_Bolt

    CT_Bolt's Stamina System

    CT_Bolt submitted a new resource: CT_Bolt's Stamina System - A simple stamina system. Read more about this resource...
  3. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker CT_Bolt's Stamina System 2.3b

    A simple stamina system per request by LadyLegend. (cool) What this does: Allows the player to set a stamina system which limits the how long the player dashes. The stamina is also stored/linked to a Game Variable set via the Parameters. How to use: All the setup is done via the Parameters...
  4. CT_Bolt

    [Paid Request] [100$] Character Selection Plugin

    Ok will do. (cool)(thumbsup) Thread now closed due to this request being filled. Let me know if you need it reopened.
  5. CT_Bolt

    Weird shadow in Window.

    Like this? I edited your image to remove the translucent grey in the top right square. Instead making it transparent. Does that look how you need in game?
  6. CT_Bolt

    [Paid Request] [100$] Character Selection Plugin

    No problem. (cool) So then I can close this thread correct?
  7. CT_Bolt

    Script for Party Leader equipped weapon(Solved)

    Thought I replied and closed this lol... but I must not have. (facepalm) That's awesome to hear you've got it working. Sounds like a really fun game feature. (icecream) I too understand what it is like to get discouraged. (perplexed) Sometimes it helps to take a small break and come back to it...
  8. CT_Bolt

    [Paid Request] [100$] Character Selection Plugin

    I'm interested. This does however sound rather complex though. Therefore I cannot tell how long it would take... Have you still a need for this?
  9. CT_Bolt

    Force Stop Dashing(SOLVED)

    So true... I've found that it's almost always much easier for me just to script something but eventing does offer advantages too for sure. (cool) Oh wonderful news, glad it works the way you need. No prob. at all. Always happy to help. (cute)(icecream) Happy Game Making! If you need anything...
  10. CT_Bolt

    Force Stop Dashing(SOLVED)

    So far I believe using an alias of the "Input.isPressed" function inside "rpg_core.js" to catch what button is pressed then checking if the stamina is > 0 to determine whether dashing can be enabled. ...Sadly I must go to work now but I'll finish checking into this when I get back tonight...
  11. CT_Bolt

    Creating multi-level structures?

    Yup, shift click mapping has helped me make some incredible maps. No worries, glad to here you got your PC repaired. (cool)(thumbsup) Happy to help. (cute) Thread is now closed. Due to this being solved.
  12. CT_Bolt

    Pixel Art Character from Image

    Looks awesome, animates just like I need it but... I probably wasn't very clear on the dimensions of the image. Sorry about the confusion. I know I know you must hate me now. (facepalm)(wink) Really really sorry for the confusion. I would still like the image to be the same size or as close as...
  13. CT_Bolt

    Pixel Art Character from Image

    Can anyone here turn the following image into a animated sprite running? I would like the sprite to look just like this but "cleaned up". I need it animated with at least 3 frames please. Any output format is fine, I prefer a png formatted as a MV character sheet though. Thanks for reading...
  14. CT_Bolt

    How do i make a locked door

    You need something like this? Let me know if this helps. (cute)
  15. CT_Bolt

    Keeping an NPC In a Region

    Oh sorry about that I edited the above post after I tested it is this... This is how you get & test an events regionId... $[this._eventId-1].regionId() !== 1 Screenshot of My Event Setup: Here's what's going on... Get the events for the map using a function from the Game_Map...
  16. CT_Bolt

    Keeping an NPC In a Region

    No problem. Happy to help. (cool) Total guessing here haven't tested but maybe try this? Change this $ !== 1 to this: $[this._eventId-1].regionId() !== 1 Maybe?
  17. CT_Bolt

    Keeping an NPC In a Region

    You could use the Region Restrictions Plugin by Yanfly: Click Here to View (cool) Let me know if that will work for what you need. (cute)
  18. CT_Bolt

    Plugin for voiceover etc.?

    lol yeah... it's a pretty quickly written little plugin. (cute) I'm sure I could do much better and add all the features. However my time is limited with my full time job and my own projects on the side. What type of commission did you have in mind for all the features you had mentioned above...
  19. CT_Bolt

    Sound Effects in Messages via Escape Code

    CT_Bolt submitted a new resource: Sound Effects in Messages via Escape Code - Play Sound Effects in Messages via Escape Code Read more about this resource...
  20. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker Sound Effects in Messages via Escape Code 1.0

    Description: Play sound effects in Messages via Escape Codes Note: This version will only play the the first sound escape code found. It will play at the beginning of the message starting no matter where the escape code is placed. How to Use: Place the following Escape Code in a message box...