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  1. CT_Bolt

    Message Above Head Not Working

    Made a very small mod for this. (cool) Yanfly's Message Ext1 CTB_Mod: Click Here to download Place this below yanfly's. Also if you didn't know already... to adjust the X position of the name box... Please let me know how it goes. Works nicely for me. (cute)(thumbsup)
  2. CT_Bolt

    Sprite problem

    Oh cool! Very glad it worked. No problem! (cute) Happy to help. (cool) Problem solved. Thread now closed.
  3. CT_Bolt

    Sprite problem

    Just guessing but sounds like the "fixed direction" option needs to be set before changing to the damaged sprite. At work right now so totally just guessing on that.
  4. CT_Bolt

    [Solved] TAGS and CONDITIONS

    Very cool. Glad to hear you've got something that'll work for ya. (cute) Happy game making! Thread closed due to this being solved. (cool)
  5. CT_Bolt

    [Solved] Help getting a event to trigger.

    Oh cool. Glad you figured it out.Sometimes just starting over is the best approach. (cute) Thread closed due to this being solved. (cool)(thumbsup)
  6. CT_Bolt

    RPG Maker CT_Bolt's Stamina System - Now includes CTB_TextDisplay v.1a

    Added a new preview of a plugin called CTB_TextDisplay. See demo for details. Displaying Stamina as Pecentage Requested by Corvnoir
  7. CT_Bolt

    CT_Bolt's Stamina System

    CT_Bolt updated CT_Bolt's Stamina System with a new update entry: Now includes CTB_TextDisplay v.1a Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. CT_Bolt

    Randomized NPC spawn locations

    @Mr. Open Made a demo for you using Galv's Event Spawner Plugin: Click Here to View I'm not sure if it's 100% what you need but it's a good start at least. (cool)(thumbsup)
  9. CT_Bolt

    [RMMV][Plugin Request] Message box does not stop player movement

    Hmm.. I think it's working nice for me. Well the best I could get it with GabWindow that is... Anyway check out my demo: click here to view The timer is all contained in one event and goes faster then 60 frames per second. I also set the gab_window parameters to the optimal settings for this...
  10. CT_Bolt

    [Solved] TAGS and CONDITIONS

    Hmm... oh yes I think I see now... Just found this. Does that look any better? If not I could probably write a plugin or addon perhaps that would work for what you need.
  11. CT_Bolt

    [Solved] TAGS and CONDITIONS

    I think possibly some if not all of this can basically be achieved in MV as it is: Plugins: Like this AND/OR this? Let me know if that helps. (cool)
  12. CT_Bolt

    Change of image background grid color?

    Oh yes I could see how that could happen. Happy to help. Happy game making. (cool) Thread closed due to this being solved. (cute)
  13. CT_Bolt

    [RMMV][Plugin Request] Message box does not stop player movement

    Have you checked into using Gab Window plugin by Yanfly? ...or maybe Window Pop plugin by LTN? Seems like perhaps that could suit your needs? ...also... coming soon to a forum near you... (wink) I've been developing a timer system of my own for quite some time now. This system is highly...
  14. CT_Bolt

    Change of image background grid color?

    Like this? if's in Tools>Options. (cool)
  15. CT_Bolt

    Completed Where is this resource?

    No prob.(cool)(thumbsup) Thread closed. (cute)
  16. CT_Bolt

    Completed Where is this resource?

    This? Source: Author: SchwarzeNacht (aka. PandaMaru, aka. Red Panda Lady)
  17. CT_Bolt

    Plugin Command Error

    Oh I see... so some plugins you have are conflicting... Can you post your plugins used via a picture of your plugin manager? You could try reordering them, put enemybook at the very bottom possibly or the very top.
  18. CT_Bolt

    Plugin Command Error

    You are indeed posting in the correct spot. Gosh that could be many things honestly... Based on that info all that really means to me as a coder is most likely somewhere in the code a variable that is supposed to be a string is attempting to call the function "trim" but because that variable is...
  19. CT_Bolt

    How to create a 3rd type of combat?

    Like this? Created a small demo for you: click here to download Mash the button "A" 20 times on the keyboard to defeat the enemy.
  20. CT_Bolt

    Level up character

    No prob. (cool)(thumbsup) Happy to help. (cute)(icecream) Thread closed due to this being solved.