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  1. CT_Bolt

    Yanfly Movement Core Issue

    Like this? Made a demo for you: click here to view (cute)(icecream) Please let me know how it goes & if you have any questions. (cool)
  2. CT_Bolt

    Plugin Command Error

    No prob! Glad it's all working. Problem solved. Thread closed. PS. (thought I had responded to this, sorry about the delay) Happy Game Making! (cute)(icecream)
  3. CT_Bolt

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    Oh very glad to here that! Very cool. Case closed. Problem solved. Thread closed. (cute)(thumbsup) (Let me know if you want/need this re-opened for any reason).(glad)(icecream)
  4. CT_Bolt

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    Yeah wasn't quite sure if that would do all the things you need or not really... I'll keep looking into this one. Please let me know how it works for you, maybe we can adjust a few things (aka. addon plugin) if it doesn't do everything that you need. (cool)
  5. CT_Bolt

    Hello RPG maker and Everyone

    Very glad to meet you @Kurito14! Welcome to! I'll be around if you need help. You can post any questions you have in the support section. Looking forward to having you as a part of the community here. A couple good places to start with coding Javascript Plugins for MV... SRDude...
  6. CT_Bolt

    Yup sure am, got one in the works for a few months now. A monster catching game. ☺ ...but first...

    Yup sure am, got one in the works for a few months now. A monster catching game. ☺ ...but first I'm working on a super mega awesome plugin (soon to be released) ...a whole new timer system, seriously epic ;) I will include a demo game with that also. :) PS. Thanks for all the comments/likes...
  7. CT_Bolt

    Do we know if they plan on expanding the Character generator?

    Aww shucks twernt nothin'. (blush)(cute) No prob. Happy to help! I'm always on the look out for awesome helpful resources/tools for MV. (cool)
  8. CT_Bolt

    SRD Plugin Problem

    No prob. Happy to help! Problem Solved. Thread now closed. Happy Game Making! (cute)
  9. CT_Bolt

    Trigger - Action Button without dashing?

    Ahhh interesting. Nice work around. Thanks for the info. (icecream) Problem solved. Thread closed. (cool)(thumbsup) ...if you need re-opened let me know (cute)
  10. CT_Bolt

    Full Screen on Mobile Versions

    Had pretty good results using Yanfly's Core Engine with Screen Width set to 576 and Screen Height set to 1056 (for potrait, visa-versa for landscape). Something like this helped me before also. There are probably more efficient ways though... so... I'd also like to know the best way to do this.
  11. CT_Bolt

    Need help (LTN time engine, get weather to match the month)

    Oh cool! No problem, does sound really cool. Glad you've got things working the way you need. (cool)(thumbsup) The info is there still if you need it later though. (cute) Happy Game Making! (icecream) Problem solved. Thread closed.
  12. CT_Bolt

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    Have you tried Yanfly's Gab Window(Click Here to View)? ...or maybe does that not do everything you need?
  13. CT_Bolt

    Need help (LTN time engine, get weather to match the month)

    Setup the variables right away using a parallel event then enable self switch 'A' As described in the help file using the word 'active" instead of "static" means the variable will auto-update to the current month. Set page 2 to to a blank page with the condition set to self switch 'A' to make...
  14. CT_Bolt

    Trigger - Action Button without dashing?

    Hmmm... that is quite odd... never ran into that one before. Definitely should work with or without dashing... looks like your event setup is correct. ...perhaps a plugin is causing the issue? Would you be able to share a link to a demo showing the problem? That would be most helpful.
  15. CT_Bolt

    SRD Plugin Problem

    Is SRD_GameUpgrade above Title Command Customizer? If not it needs to be above. (cool)
  16. CT_Bolt

    Do we know if they plan on expanding the Character generator?

    To answer the main question... no clue if they will or not but it probably won't add much if they do... However... A much superior generator is created by Schlangan. RPG Maker MV Extended Generator: Click here to view Been using that for quite some time now, it is very advanced & allows much...
  17. CT_Bolt

    Message count over 500! Wooo!!!!

    Message count over 500! Wooo!!!!
  18. CT_Bolt

    Guess I didn't?

    Welcome to the Forum @Naterkix! (cool)(thumbsup) Looking forward to seeing what fun games you create. (icecream)
  19. CT_Bolt

    Message Above Head Not Working

    Sorry for the delay. Glad to see you got it working nicely. Yup CT_Bolt would be fine. Thanks for the credit. I could write a more customize-able addon for this though if you'd like. With parameter settings for 'Y' location settings.
  20. CT_Bolt

    Message Above Head Not Working

    lol aww was no biggy, just added/changed a few lines of code. Happy to help. (cool)(thumbsup) Woops forgot about that... updated the mod. Tada! Click here to download. Let me know how it goes.