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  1. CT_Bolt

    MV Online (mobile). child.removeStageReference is not a function

    Hmm.. not sure... could you please share a console log?
  2. CT_Bolt

    Hey there :)

    Yay! Glad you've decided to use RMMV once again. Looking forward to seeing what you create! (cute) Happy Game Making! (icecream)
  3. CT_Bolt

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Sorry you feel like your not welcome. Didn't really notice I missed a few of your posts. If you ever need to you can always mention me or direct message me personally too. (cool) Sorry again for not replying a while ago. I truly did miss that. But yes if you still are interested you...
  4. CT_Bolt

    Changing the max number of battlers mid game?

    Are you using Yanfly's Party System perhaps?
  5. CT_Bolt

    Desiring Second Enemy to Disappear After First One is Defeated

    Like this? ...or no? I'm kind of confused by what you need. I'll help the best I can though. (cool)
  6. CT_Bolt

    Sv_actor position set?

    Yes I believe Yanfly's Battle Core should suit your needs.
  7. CT_Bolt

    Looking for Window_MenuCommand with pictures!

    Updated the plugin a lot... This one is made custom to only your needs. Not really very too customization for most people yet, but I am interested to see how it works on you end. Parameter Settings: Please test and let me know how...
  8. CT_Bolt

    Looking for Window_MenuCommand with pictures!

    Oh yeah woops... That's my default but you can set it up as needed and customize row/column amount via the parameters :) Default is 4x4
  9. CT_Bolt

    Looking for Window_MenuCommand with pictures!

    Sooooo guess what? I've decided to make a plugin for this. (cool)(icecream) It's still under development but I would like to see if it works for you like it does for me. Check it out... Parameters: Demo "Command ImageSet" Image: Screenshots: Download...
  10. CT_Bolt

    Looking for Window_MenuCommand with pictures!

    Ever tried using this plugin? Could help... not really sure if it matches your exact needs though or not.
  11. CT_Bolt

    Waves in Holder

    Hey @Holder! Super glad to hear your back at it again Loooking great! (As usual!) Very nice work on that Female Genie! Definitely feel free to share more updates (cute)(icecream)
  12. CT_Bolt

    Anyway to change the name of the savefile?

    Ooohhh??? Ok totally had the wrong idea then... ... thought you needed to change the save "filename" (not to be confused with save "title") for some reason during a game that you were developing. In that case... if you have the project files... this might help... you still need to install that...
  13. CT_Bolt

    Need help with changing player graphics on event

    Hmm... like this? Demo Made For You:
  14. CT_Bolt

    Anyway to change the name of the savefile?

    Installing Plugins: Demo Project of my Plugin: See demo for how to use. Let me know how it goes (cool)(thumbsup)
  15. CT_Bolt

    Anyway to change the name of the savefile?

    Made a plugin for you. CT_Bolt's Save Plugin: Click Here to Download Using this plugin you can set game variables to be used for the save file patterns. Local Pattern Examples: file%1.rpgsave blahblahblah%1.savefile Web Key Pattern Examples: RPG File%1 BLAHBLAHBLAH File%1 Simply set the...
  16. CT_Bolt

    Need help with changing player graphics on event

    No Prob. Glad to help! Happy Game Making! (icecream)
  17. CT_Bolt

    Need help with changing player graphics on event

    Using my "Change Event Graphic" Plugin this can be done pretty easy. Change Event Graphic Plugin: Once you've got the plugin installed. In the chair event use the following script to "remember" & change the player graphic...
  18. CT_Bolt

    MV Move text on title screen

    In rpg_windows.js without using plugins you can change the following... Edit: Now I've also made a plugin... (cute) CTB Title System Plugin (CTB_Title.js): Click Here to Download Gonna upload it to the resources soon once I add a few more options. (wink) Edit2: Alternatives...
  19. CT_Bolt


    Welcome to your new home! Nice to meet you too @George88. Can't wait to see what you create! We're all here if you need help & you get stuck feel free to ask. Happy Game Making! (cute)(icecream)
  20. CT_Bolt

    Need Help - Make a pixi-filter that only effects the battle background? [Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi]

    Using Filter Controller Plugin by Tsukimi (cji3bp62000): Click Here to View Does anyone know how it is possible to make a filter that only effects the battle background? Thanks for reading. (cute)