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Search results

  1. CT_Bolt

    Seasonal Tiles/Sprites

    Oh no problem, glad to help a fellow game maker! I'll keep on the look out. (cool)(thumbsup) Now get some rest silly. lol (cute) *sidenote: The resource team & I are (going to be / possibly already) working on something like this but that won't be available for a little while still probably...
  2. CT_Bolt

    Seasonal Tiles/Sprites

    Have you seen these? Click here to view ...narrowed down google search using 'PandaMaru' & 'nature2' (aka. the Autumn tileset) as the main keywords More here: Edit (more searching): Click here to...
  3. CT_Bolt

    Looking for a bus character sprite that is yellow

    So that bus will maybe work? Are you asking for the license?
  4. CT_Bolt

    Looking for a bus character sprite that is yellow

    Couldn't really find any on the web sooo... Below is my somewhat crude attempt at a MV Downscale using Chevyracer454's pixel art school bus (click to view) as the source. Looks decent... screenshots: If you can settle for a taxi I did find one posted at...
  5. CT_Bolt

    Deleting events

    Welcome @Candythustar! In the future please post all game making questions under the MV Support section so you receive the best help possible. I see you found the help section and created a new post. I believe I may be able to help, see my reply here: click to view (cute) Enjoy your stay...
  6. CT_Bolt

    Trouble with the event

    I made a demo for you: click here to download (cute) Let me know if you have questions. I did place comments in the events; this one is slightly complex. (jolly) Note the use of all the different triggers, custom move paths and switches. I created a few common events just to help simplify the...
  7. CT_Bolt

    Question: Putting XP into Variables

    You're welcome! (cute) Glad to hear that suits your needs. Happy game making! (hella)(thumbsup) Thread closed, problem solved. If you want it reopened just let me know. (cute)
  8. CT_Bolt

    Execute a command BEFORE and AFTER a fight

    No prob! Happy to help! (cute) Glad you've got it all working the way you need it. I'll be around if you need anything else. (cool)(thumbsup) Happy game making! (icecream) Thread closed due to this problem being solved.
  9. CT_Bolt

    Execute a command BEFORE and AFTER a fight

    I believe the following would do the trick: For before: Random Encounter Event Plugin by Hime Direct Link to Plugin: Download (Right Click > Save As) For after: Base Troop Events Plugin by Yanfly Let me know if this helps. (cool)
  10. CT_Bolt

    Question: Putting XP into Variables

    You can use the following in the script part when setting a variable: If you wish to take it a step further you can also adjust a game variable to determine that such as this: Alternatively you could also just use a game variable to pick a actor directly using the actorID That should do the...
  11. CT_Bolt

    In battle, can I grey out a skill type unless that actor equips something to a certain equip slot?

    No prob. Glad it works out nice for your needs. (glad) Yup sure can. (hella) I'm pretty sure it works nice... haven't fully tested it though. Prolly keep YEP skill core above it. If you need anything else I'll be around. (cute) Happy game making! (icecream) Problem solved, thread closed...
  12. CT_Bolt

    In battle, can I grey out a skill type unless that actor equips something to a certain equip slot?

    Tada! I've created a demo for you. (cute) Bow Skills - Demo: Click Here to Download I've managed to get it working, I believe this is what you need. Note this version does not check if a bow is equipped only if a quiver is equipped to the quiver slot, With this I could even make custom skill...