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  1. CT_Bolt

    Hello I'm new - Looking to participate

    Hi @Gabrielwoerkom, Welcome to! I've been using various RPGMaker's and coding in general for over 15 years. It's been lot's of fun and I've learned so much from using it. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. (cute) I'll be around if you need anything. Happy Game...
  2. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    Oh I see, ok. well in that case it's like this: Demo: Click Here to view (cool) Let me know how that works for ya. (cool)(thumbsup) The reason behind why this wasn't working for you: However without a plugin this will be very difficult for you to achieve every time you want to board the...
  3. CT_Bolt

    Getting someone on a vehicle (boat)

    It's easier then that unless you really want that prompt before you get on the boat. (I could probably write a plugin for you for that if you'd like) Check it out: Right click on a map tile in edit mode to bring up that popup menu. Demo: Click Here to view (cool)
  4. CT_Bolt

    Easy to use programs to create apk in RPG Maker MV

    Nice list. Thanks for sharing. (cool)(thumbsup)
  5. CT_Bolt

    Small question about Terrax Lighting plugin. Not sure how to fix a certain issue I've run into.

    Haven't tested yet, but looked at the js file. ... have you tried this plugin command?Light 250 #FFFFFF 1
  6. CT_Bolt


    Thread closed now due to the problem being solved. (cool)
  7. CT_Bolt

    TypeError: Cannot set property 'opacity' of undefined

    Oh that's wonderful news! No prob. Happy to help! Don't feel bad it happens to the best of us. (cute) If there is anything else you need you know what to do. I'll be here. (wink)(thumbsup) Happy game making! (hella) Thread is now closed due to this being solved. If you wish to re-open just...
  8. CT_Bolt

    TypeError: Cannot set property 'opacity' of undefined

    Looks like you're missing the prerequisite plugin yep_ buff states core for the visual state plugin. Add YEP_BuffStatesCore plugin before the visual state plugin. (cool) Hope that helps.(cute) Let me know if that works... I can only hope it's that simple... probably not but definitely worth a...
  9. CT_Bolt

    TypeError: Cannot set property 'opacity' of undefined

    Sadly this is not enough info. (confused) Please post the message from the console by pressing F8 before the error occurs. A screenshot of the console's error message will greatly help. This helps pin-point the problem. (cool) The error is found under the console tab. Other helpful things...
  10. CT_Bolt

    Continue even when dead RPG maker MV

    Oh that's great to hear. Happy to help out a fellow game creator. (hella)(thumbsup) Did you notice how I did it in the demo? Setup a parallel triggered event on the maps that I want to change the spawn location. This changes the a 'spawn location' variable After setting the variable use...
  11. CT_Bolt

    Continue even when dead RPG maker MV

    Haven't tested it but I'm guessing it's because your doing the remove knockout before the transfer... Then once the map code is triggered the check for player state auto plays the game over scene. To sum up... you must remove the 'knockout' state before transferring to a map. Edit: Tested...
  12. CT_Bolt

    Continue even when dead RPG maker MV

    No prob, happy to help. (cool) Shouldn't be looping. Also my demo uses random & event triggered battles. Random won't attack on the path (using regions). All works smooth... no loops. Remember to change remove the knockout state once you come back from gameover... else it loops.
  13. CT_Bolt

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Ahahahahaha, lol. No problem! Glad to help out. (hella)(thumbsup) I've still been looking into what the root cause of the issue was... ...but I guess it don't really matter much now as long as everything is working smoothly. (jolly) lol
  14. CT_Bolt

    New here

    Welcome to! Glad to have ya with us! (icecream) Hope you enjoy the wonderful maker! If you have questions feel free to ask them. Happy game making! (cool)(thumbsup)
  15. CT_Bolt

    Continue even when dead RPG maker MV

    I believe this would solve all your problems... Made a demo for you: Click here to play Made a demo for you: Click here to download project files (cool) Please let me know how this work for you & if it suits your needs. (cute)
  16. CT_Bolt

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Are you using MV1.6 or higher? I had a similar issue and after updating to MV1.6+ the music & sounds all work smoothly now. Not sure if this will help in your case or not but that's what helped me. (cute) There are other ways around the issue but that was the best I found. (cool)(thumbsup) If...
  17. CT_Bolt

    Inserting Images On These Forums Google Drive: Google Link: Yeah looks like google drive is a no go on sharing images directly to the forum. Only way is to post a link. I usually use for my off-site image uploads. (cool)
  18. CT_Bolt

    Hello everyone.

    Hello @Pyraelia! Welcome to! (snicker) If you need anything feel free to ask, I'll do what I can to help. I've replied to your question about event switches. (cute) Thanks for posting in the right section. (icecream) Happy game making! (jolly)...
  19. CT_Bolt

    How Do I Set Up Switches Inside An Event?

    Made you a demo: click here to view Here is the main event setup: Page 1 Page 2 Let me know if this helps. (cool)(thumbsup)
  20. CT_Bolt

    Quesgion about copy right, Final fantasy Materia system and dungeons and dragons Dice rolls

    Thanks for "report" Lore. (cute)(icecream) ...yup I would say basically like Lore said above... No I don't believe they have any claim to that. I know they don't own the formula and I don't believe they have copyrighted "1D6" or anything. Simply put... no. Just don't take the graphics & terms...