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  1. CT_Bolt

    Trouble with giving items to my characters.

    Glad to help out! If you need anything else I'll be around. (cool)(thumbsup) Thread is now closed.
  2. CT_Bolt

    Damaged Sprite Issue

    The damage characters are used by the direction you pick. (I'm guessing that it's probably showing you either the orc-knight, demon-girl, or genie?) Assassin = Down Demon-Girl = Left Orc-Knight = Right Genie = Up Make sure to set the event to face "down" and have the "direction fix" option...
  3. CT_Bolt

    Trouble with giving items to my characters.

    Hmm... I see... Is that the only item that doesn't work? Have you tried the script directly? $gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[itemId], n);Use that in the script command instead to test. (cute) n = quantity If you'd like I could work on this directly if you send me a link to a copy of your...
  4. CT_Bolt

    Trouble with giving items to my characters.

    Hmm... not really sure what the problem is to be honest... Have you tried disabling all plugins? Then try testing this. Screenshots may still help me as I am familiar enough with the maker to use it in any language. (cool) Please post screenshots of the event setup and the item setup. Also if...
  5. CT_Bolt


    Welcome to the best RPGMaking site ever! Cool songs, I really like 8-bit tunes! Gosh that takes me right back to playing NES as a kid. Well done. (icecream) Glad to have you as a part of the community! Enjoy your stay, if you need anything I'll be around. (cool)
  6. CT_Bolt

    Can't change the Color in Character generator.

    Glad to hear you solved your issue. (cool) Closing this thread now per request. (cool)(thumbsup)
  7. CT_Bolt

    Worthy Stories - Adventure Turns RPG

    that's odd... send me the link in discord perhaps? I'll add it. (cool) Edit: All set. Reputation video added. (cool)(thumbsup)
  8. CT_Bolt

    Worthy Stories - Adventure Turns RPG

    Oh cool! I always prefer parallax mapping. (icecream) lol yes I know that feeling, sometimes I just randomly browse resources for inspiration. (jolly) I've been thinking about making a monster capture, raise, breed game. Still trying to come up with a really good plot for it though...
  9. CT_Bolt

    Worthy Stories - Adventure Turns RPG

    Nice looking game, I might check this out when I have more time. Congrats on getting thus far. (cool)(thumbsup) Really cool CASINO sign. Custom made?
  10. CT_Bolt

    Code search engine

    Cool search engine, perhaps I might need this someday. Thanks for sharing. (cool)(icecream)
  11. CT_Bolt

    Doodads Error

    If you haven't then you probably need to add the folder "doodads" inside your img folder for your project. ...guessing you might be using yanfly's plugin?
  12. CT_Bolt

    Impassable Ladder?

    Oh no prob. Glad you've got things working... good thinking outside the box (err... map lol) but... Can't you just set the player to transparent in the event command "move route" (not to be confused with the events page move route). ... then after the cut scene turn transparent off? ...Or is...
  13. CT_Bolt

    Saying hi!

    Welcome to the best RPG Maker site ever! Nice game list especially my personal fav. Chrono Trigger! Nice to have you with us! Always great to have a story writer around the site. (cool)(thumbsup) We have such a great community here, so if you need anything feel free to ask.
  14. CT_Bolt

    Impassable Ladder?

    Strange, it works for me with no problems. Same setup: I made a test demo for you... try this: click here to download Does that work for you?
  15. CT_Bolt

    Odyssey - Action Adventure RPG

    No prob. Glad you posted. (cool)(thumbsup) Yes! I've always loved the choose your own path style games. This inspires me to possibly attempt to create my own open world game. Very eager to see the results. (hella)(thumbsup)
  16. CT_Bolt

    Odyssey - Action Adventure RPG

    Very nice looking game so far. Love the idea! That was one of my favorite games of all time. I like all the zeldas but Links Awakening, Link to The Past, & oracle of ages/seasons are definitely my favorites. Have you played oracle of seasons, or oracle of ages (Gameboy Color)? ...they're so...
  17. CT_Bolt

    In search of outfits

    Have you checked these?
  18. CT_Bolt

    Hello ALL!

    Hi Jonathan! Welcome to! Looking forward to seeing what you create. If you need resources check out the resources offered here: click to view. If you need help, feel free to ask any questions about making your game here: click to view. Enjoy your stay! Happy game making...
  19. CT_Bolt

    "Szyu" Crafting System Questions

    Moved thread to the MV Support Section. Please use this section for question on RPG Making in the future instead of the Forum Feedback, Suggestions & Help. The Forum Feedback, Suggestions & Help is for matters related to the forum itself.
  20. CT_Bolt

    hi there

    You've come to the right place! Very friendly community, plenty of help, & wonderful resources! All these things and more will help you craft your dream game. (hella)(thumbsup) Welcome to the forums! (icecream)