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Search results

  1. CT_Bolt

    Platform Battle System?

    Yeah that's has been the beautiful design of RPG Maker MV. It does quite a lot for us, comes with a nice core & useful objects, yet it still also allows us to break normal limitations. Also Javascript was for some reason much easier for me to learn... I did learn C++ & Java first though... Have...
  2. CT_Bolt

    Platform Battle System?

    Te be honest... "better" is a relative term... it also really depends on what system the game is intended for. With unity I believe exporting to multiple platforms might be more versatile also since the main coding will be C#. Typically though, yes IGMaker is more geared towards Platform Style...
  3. CT_Bolt

    Any horror tilesets?

    Just found these also which might help... Blood: Doors: Magic Circle: The red one is horror-style looking. Skeletons...
  4. CT_Bolt

    Platform Battle System?

    Oh ok, good luck with your project! I'd be interested to see how unity works myself actually. Never really tried it, but I know it's said to be a very powerful engine. (cute)(thumbsup)
  5. CT_Bolt

    Resource Link-List / Random Finds

    Graphics: Plugins: Break Pictures & Enemys by Belfare Nagata (゜ ∀ ゜) "Cuts" images/enemiy images into pieces...
  6. CT_Bolt

    Pickpocket skill help please

    Sooo I'm almost done with a new plugin that will help with this... ...then of course after all that I found this: LMAO! Anyways... mine is a bit different so I'll still release it when it's done... but that looks like a pretty awesome plug-in...
  7. CT_Bolt

    Platform Battle System?

    I've created a few platform style games with QABS... it's not really that hard to set up, using q-sprites... perhaps I can make a demo for you at some point... or ...there might even be something found here could help? Maybe like the Jump Action Plugin
  8. CT_Bolt

    Platform Battle System?

    Like this? ...or use could even use this:
  9. CT_Bolt

    Question about Shadows

    No prob. (cute) Yes I believe you could use some for the lighting effects, and for also for the semi-transparency of the images. (cool)(thumbsup)
  10. CT_Bolt

    Question about Shadows

    Yes, you will could likely run into lag issues, especially on larger maps... You may want to look into Grid Free Doodads by Yanfly: Click Here to View
  11. CT_Bolt

    Title Backs? Where can I find some and how to make it work?

    Oh no prob! Did you see the ones I posted for you above? they're just re-scaled. I think they look really nice in game. (cool)(thumbsup) [/spoiler] I've modified them from the original files found here: click here to view
  12. CT_Bolt

    Title Backs? Where can I find some and how to make it work?

    Title1: Title2: I think images must be png unless you use a plugin to accept other formats. Using the resource import feature of RPGMaker MV I think can convert them though... not...
  13. CT_Bolt

    Lore Expert Needed [PAID]

    My girl friend is highly interested, she studied mythology in college. Still need help?
  14. CT_Bolt

    Can't get Yanfly's Core Engine to work right.

    No prob! Glad I could help solve the issue for you. (cute)(thumbsup) If you need anything else, I'll be here. (cheeky) Thread closed due to this being solved. (cool)
  15. CT_Bolt

    Can't get Yanfly's Core Engine to work right.

    I've created a blank test project for you. (cool) Yanfly Core Test - Click Here to Download I've changed it to allow the player's max level to reach 999. Please let me know if this works for you... worked great for me. (cheeky)
  16. CT_Bolt

    Futuristic/Cyberpunk Tilesets? might have somethings to use.
  17. CT_Bolt

    Futuristic/Cyberpunk Tilesets?

    Have you seen the resources by Starbird? If I have time later...
  18. CT_Bolt

    Taking a small break from coding to create graphics. ☺

    Taking a small break from coding to create graphics. ☺
  19. CT_Bolt

    Hello all!

    @Dreadzly - Welcome! Looking forward to seeing what fun games you come up with. (hella) If you have any questions please don't hesitate to post any you might have in the MV Support section. MV Support: Click Here to View Also check out some amazing resources made by this awesome community...
  20. CT_Bolt

    RMMV Posting Contest! (RMMV Resource Pack as Prize!)

    Sounds fun! Nice way to get members to be more active. (glad) Time to start greeting new members. lol 355 You can find some nice tilesets here: