1 tile is 48x48 in size, and tiles need to be grouped in the 5 types of sets, A through E, below.
Additionally, the specifications for some tiles can change according to the contents set under [Mode] found in [Tilesets] in the database.
Set A
This set will be used as the lower layer when drawing the map. This set is divided further into 5 parts, with most of them being called [Autotiles], which are composed of special tiles that have their boundary lines automatically created.
Autotiles are, as a rule, arranged in a pattern composed of 6 tiles as seen in the illustration below, making up the basic structure of the tiles.
a) Representative Pattern (for displaying in the tile palette)
b) Pattern with boundaries at each corner
c) Group Pattern (refers to group of tiles with one in the center and 1 in each of the 8 directions)
If the autotile located in the (8,8) position from the bottom-right is transparent, that autotile will be evaluated as a "forest type". If a forest tile has the bush element assigned to it, character images will not appear as half transparent in the 8 types of tiles below which includes the bottom right and bottom left boundaries.
Part 1
These are 768x576 in size and made up of the 5-pattern blocks as in the illustration above. Basically, tiles in this part will not have a boundary created even if they touch.
Boats and ships can only travel through the tiles in this part. However, tiles in this tileset will no longer be able to be entered using boats and ships if the tileset is configured to allow players to walk on the tiles.
Block A
Autotiles used as ocean tiles. By placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them.
Block B
Autotiles used as deep ocean tiles. Boundaries for ocean tiles will be created only when tiles in this block touch tiles in part 1. Tiles in Block A will automatically complete the transparent color of this block. Just like Block A, by placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them. Moreover, boats cannot travel through tiles in this block.
Block C
Autotiles which decorate ocean tiles in Block A. Tiles in Block A will automatically complete the transparent color of this block. Additionally, boats and ships cannot travel through tiles in this block.
Block D
Autotiles used as water tiles. By placing 3 autotile basic patterns horizontally in a row, it is possible to animate them.
Block E
Used for waterfall tiles. You can create a group pattern by placing two tiles horizontally, and animate them by placing 3 vertically in a row. Additionally, boats and ships cannot travel through tiles in this block.