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Script for Party Leader equipped weapon(Solved)

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Hello and thank you for taking time out of your day to help me.
I need two things thats sort of related.

I searched and searched I think I found some answers but how to use the answers is not quite what I need.
I found this

which shows you a bunch if not all of the script calls. What I need is something like this:
$gameParty.leader().name() <- this finds the name of the party leader and I can set up conditions with it.
I need a script like that for the weapon that is equipped by the party leader.
Not weapons by ID number and actor.
If thats possible I need it for the armor thats equipped and skill the leader has also.

This switches formation of the party leader and I can attach it to a button press

However I need to switch weapons and skills by button press.

Thanks again


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
Hmm... let's see...

Part 1:
// n = the equipment slot starting at 0;
var n = 0;
Replace "name" with any of the following:
atypeId, animationId, description, etypeId, iconIndex, id, name, note, price, wtypeId
Here are the variable types for each:
  • atypeId: integer
  • animationId: integer
  • description: string
  • etypeId: integer
  • iconIndex: integer
  • id: integer
  • name: string
  • note: string
  • price: integer
  • wtypeId: integer
Sidenote: There are other options such as traits and params but that's for another time.

atypeId is for armor & wtypeId is for weapons.
If the equipped item is a weapon it won't have an atypeId it will only have a wtypeId.

As for skills...
// n = the skill slot starting at 0;
var n = 0;
Replace "name" with any of the following:
animationId, damage.critical, damage.elementId, damage.formula, damage.type, damage.variance, description, hitType, iconIndex, id, message1, message2, mpCost, name, note, occasion, repeats, requiredWtypeId1, requiredWtypeId2, scope, speed, stypeId, successRate, tpCost, tpGain
  • animationId: integer
  • damage.critical: boolean
  • damage.elementId: integer
  • damage.formula: string
  • damage.type: integer
  • damage.variance: integer
  • description: string
  • hitType: integer
  • iconIndex: integer
  • id: integer
  • message1: string
  • message2: string
  • mpCost: integer
  • name: string
  • note: string
  • occasion: integer
  • repeats: integer
  • requiredWtypeId1: integer
  • requiredWtypeId2: integer
  • scope: integer
  • speed: integer
  • stypeId: integer
  • successRate: integer
  • tpCost: integer
  • tpGain: integer
Part 2:
// Assign an item to a equipment slot using Weapon/Armor ID
var slot_index = 0;
var item_id = 10;

// $gameParty.leader()._equips[slot_index]._dataClass
// Above is a string to set to "weapon" or "armor" depending on what is equipped.

// Assign a skill to a skill slot using skill ID
var slot_index = 0;
var skill_id = 10;
I trust you already know how to attach this to a button press?

Let me know if this helps. (cool)
Last edited:
it absolutely did thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much and sorry for the late response. Sometime I get discourage and stop working on the game for a while.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
it absolutely did thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much and sorry for the late response. Sometime I get discourage and stop working on the game for a while.
Thought I replied and closed this lol... but I must not have. (facepalm)
That's awesome to hear you've got it working. Sounds like a really fun game feature. (icecream)

I too understand what it is like to get discouraged. (perplexed) Sometimes it helps to take a small break and come back to it. (cute)


Thread closed due to this being solved. Happy Game Making!
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