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  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    smaller prequel first or bigger game first?

    Game development isn't supposed to be a quick task. (jolly)(icecream)
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hello! I'm new!

    Hello @Pombom22 ! Welcome to the community, we hope you like being here and are always welcome to assist you in anything you may need. Don't be afraid to ask! (blush)
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    I make my leave

    We the community thank you for your time with both the Engine and the Forums. We're sad to hear that you are leaving but it's with good reason and understanding. We wish you luck on your adventures and hope to see you once more in the future. (cute)(icecream)
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    smaller prequel first or bigger game first?

    A lot of people have different ways of developing. Odds are the preference for a smaller project is due to the fact that you are new to the RPG Maker series. A lot of people have all these good ideas and they wish to create a fantastic game with it but then dive into it and end up going through...
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    dimensions for pixel art?

    The default tile squares are 48 pixels by 48 pixels big. With this you can pretty much guess everything else for tilesets. To clarify this easily for everyone, here are the following dimensions of everything : ________________________________________________________________________________...
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hello all, I needs some help!

    Your parallax map looks put together well. However, don't forget the corners. Corners will be your enemy.
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    Erase Picture does not work

    I think I figured out what Arbeza is talking about. I had the same problem at one point. This comment was enough information. You have an autorun event that has nothing after displaying the picture and erasing it. This means you have the event constantly showing the picture AND deleting it at...
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Map to Map Transfer

    This is fairly odd to hear. A screenshot / Screenshots will be definitely helpful. Nope the tree structure is just for organizational purposes. It is the same as the previous RPG Maker softwares.
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    Making quests work!

    I don't know much about the plugin but it sounds like it's counting your kills but not specifically your skeleton kills. So it's counting one variable but not counting another. I have created some guides (currently being fixed up and updated) on both eventing and plotting...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    need help

    It should honestly just be as simple as: 1. Forcing the event displaying the video as "Autorun" (which should halt player movement at a minimum) and 2. Setting the other events moving with another event page that is activated with a switch that should be turned "ON" prior to video displaying...
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hello, just started; looking for advice

    Personally recommend you learn eventing and the event editor. If you know how to use these, you can do just about anything with or without plugins. Plugins will make developing your game easier but if you're one of those guys that like to learn how to do everything, then this is the foundation...
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    Drew this the other day and updated today...

    Drew this the other day and updated today:
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    Online PvP with lobby-type system

    It's possible if you have enough knowledge. I assume you will also need your own server to host the lobby so there's that. That's it's own thing you need to consider and it's more than just simply slapping some MV code on it to get it to work. If you're that determined for it, it can be possible...
  14. Status Gear Entertainment


    Has RMMV really been out for 2 years? Time sure flies. Welcome @RyderVSGaming to the community. You'll find that this place is one of the friendliest places on the internet and proud of it. (glad) If you are need in assistance with anything do not be afraid to ask!
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    Ask the Owner Anything

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  16. Status Gear Entertainment

    Discussion on Demos - what should they be like?

    Those are very good examples of demos, I like the thought you put into the whole thing. For us to be aware of the types of demos that may be out there. (glad) My thoughts on demos are in more simple nature, but with quiet expectations. For instance, we all know that generally the demos have...
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Plotting

    They most certainly can be overused. I think every story needs at least one plot twist. So long as the story remains in an un-cliche' manner. Christmas-Eve Update 24 DEC 2016 A special thanks to Chaude for wanting to take the time to contribute to the update for this guide. There are potential...
  18. Status Gear Entertainment

    Cheers from Virginia <3

    Cheers from Virginia <3
  19. Status Gear Entertainment

    When watching a youtube video, type in "awesome" on the keyboard and watch the play bar turn...

    When watching a youtube video, type in "awesome" on the keyboard and watch the play bar turn into many colors! Parrrttttyyy!
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

    In the Process to moving from Japan to Virginia!

    In the Process to moving from Japan to Virginia!