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  1. Status Gear Entertainment


  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    Community Project?

    I second this idea. We could always do a simple storyline for a good basis. Xiff is captured, you need to rescue using MV-Tan as the main character and we could make the VM-Tan as well. For the rest of us, we could be in certain parts of different towns. Say you made 3 different types of towns...
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    Come support me on my patreon!

    Come support me on my patreon!
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    StatusGearEntertainment's Art Gallery

    Yes, it's the redirect mascot made in a different art style for practice. I haven't been on lately to see this reply so I apologize for the late reply. I'll take it down since there's no sense in going to fight this case. It's your artwork as a reference and you don't allow redistribution. Got...
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    MV-Tan [SGE Style] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    MV-Tan's Older Sister [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    lmao so I'm testing my site chat room displays and MV and VM tan fit right in! Check it out...

    lmao so I'm testing my site chat room displays and MV and VM tan fit right in! Check it out!
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Laser Project

    So after seeing the SKARP razor project and seeing how it brings nearly no promise of what the people want. I thought I'd take a break from anything gaming and wanted to create something like this myself. So as a no experienced person I do what I normally do. I self teach myself to create and go...
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    Why aren't there more map battle systems?

    I completely agree and share the same frustration as you. I was looking forward to what I thought would be a more likely hood of map battle systems but to this day only one at the moment is in development that I am aware of by Quasi ABS. I was also hoping someone would recreate a more efficient...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    Not Doge So Wow

    This guy, I just about died at the simplistic introduction but I'll take it. Welcome. Feel free to browse!
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    Well i just tested it and it'll appear as simple as "Edit -> More Options -> Preview" so it seems to happen along those lines as well. Didn't even have to switch editors.
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    Would the theme honestly be the source? The problem seems to be when you are in the editting portion. Possibly mistakes between the rich text editor and the BBCode editor conversion code.
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    Problem is still there. (aww)
  14. Status Gear Entertainment

    Another RPG's game creator

    Welcome @Franpas I hope that we can provide all of the available resources that you will need! If you need any help feel free to ask anyone here. We are really friendly and will be more than happy to answer question you may have.
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    An Addition to the RPG Maker MV Family

    Greetings @Gamescolar , This is the first I've seen a development team other than my own make an appearance on this community. With that, I give to you a special welcome unlike my usual ones. I am the head representative and leader of a group named "Status Gear Entertainment" where we pledge...
  16. Status Gear Entertainment

    A sneak peek at what I'm truly making these days:

    A sneak peek at what I'm truly making these days:
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    To replicate such problems with spoilers. Create a thread of some sort that includes a list of things. I.E. "The Art of Sandwich making" Only the finest chef's in the Krusty Krab can make the best sandwiches by performing these steps: Then proceed to be evil about it. Then proceed to...
  18. Status Gear Entertainment

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    Hey now slow down, we must take this one STEP at a time (tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue)(tongue) No? No one's laughing? Just me? Well alright then.
  19. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    Now you're talking! (cheeky)
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

    The Worst Idea Possible?

    You're a janitor at a tourist hotel. You must clean up the messes of people as they liter all of the place while avoiding kids that are horsing around all under a small time constraint and you must guide people in the right direction of what they are looking for all this at the same time, you...