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  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    I try to refrain from overusing it for just about anything except guides. I will heavily design my guides and at the moment this has turned my guides into a warzone.
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thread Problems

    Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment here. In reference to the thread I had just created [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Plotting it is clear to see the are some issues that guide has such as double spoilers. These are do to the re-editting portions of the threads that were set by pre-rendered...
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Plotting

    !! This guide is not yet complete. If you wish to contribute to largely help explain everything there is about this topic please contact personally or reply in this thread. !! The Art of Plotting Full Guide From Novice To Master Version StatusGearEntertainment Chapter 0: Summary...
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    Don't forget the top parts of that castle. The smaller little pillars on the top of the castle shouldn't have the in between gap fully shaded. They would have a diagonal split of light and shadow in between at slightly different angles the more right you go.
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    How does gender affect character entirely?

    There are a lot of technical factors that could honestly play out differently depending on your gender. Let's make a note that from right now, everything I say is not of or in any shape or form is an attempt to be sexist. Mentally things can play out differently with how your character handles...
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    These works of art are pretty impressive. Some shading adjustments can be made but for the most part impressive. Most people who would play your game most likely wouldn't notice any flaws to it. Might I ask what it is you do to create such level of detail to your designs?
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    StatusGearEntertainment's Art Gallery

    17 April 2016 Update MV-Tan is here to play guys! Did you know MV-Tan has an older sister? Well she's here. Take these picture, it'll last longer! **Used the site's BG MV-Tan's structure as a reference. Originally was going to design MV-Tan in such a way but I figured along the way why not draw...
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake? See you guys in 3 years.

    Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake? See you guys in 3 years.
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    MV-Tan [SGE Style] [Deleted]

    Status Gear Entertainment submitted a new resource: MV-Tan [SGE Style] - MV-Tan created in the art style that I wanted to try out. Enjoy everyone! Read more about this resource...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    MV-Tan's Older Sister [Deleted]

    Status Gear Entertainment submitted a new resource: MV-Tan's Older Sister - MV-Tan's Older Sister has made an appearance! She's more level-headed and more evil. Read more about this resource...
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    Art Critique

    Starting off fresh I see. It's how I learned a long time ago. A good tip to remember, even if you are keeping things basic, your "COMBAT" and "TARGETS" are completely surrounded in their own black box. Just as you did with the Yellow portions, add some space between your combat and targets...
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    First map and mechanics

    An easier (and much more tedious) way of doing the opacity fade effect on the walls is to fully plan out the design of your map, then screen pic it and rip it apart via photoshop/paint and save that entire wall as a single character sprite. You could at that point, just set the BG floor tiles...
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    Map size in Pixels?

    I believe there is an existing script / plugin that allows you to take your entire map you made and converts it into a picture. That alone would do the job and all you'd have to do is just check the picture size. Other than that, you're best bet is to calculate as piggy-backed from the other...
  14. Status Gear Entertainment

    Art dump before I get my main PC back up...

    These designs are pretty good and by the sound of it, it's not even your full potential. I look forward to seeing your artwork!
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hi folks, I introduce myself ...

    Nice to meet you and welcome to the community Dixus! I hope we can provide the support you're looking for. I do lots of graphics and eventing if you ever may need some help with anything. (blush)
  16. Status Gear Entertainment

    Introducing myself!

    Nice to meet you and welcome to the community Airyse! It's not a problem and it's understandable you have many hobbies. I hope we can provide the support you're looking for. I do lots of graphics and eventing if you ever may need some help with anything. (blush)
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    Adventures of a Dragon

    Your determination and efforts are admired. I look forward to more of your work. (cat)
  18. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Eventing Logic

    Thank you very much, any recommendations that would be good to add for the newer folks out there should know let me know! (blush)
  19. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Eventing Logic

    I am back from my deployment and will continue as such! I thank you for the time to read what I've had so far. It means a lot to me and doesn't make me feel like I've gone to waste! (cheeky) I also liked to thank you as well Xyphien. I promise I will get this finished!
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

    DoD & DoN: StatusGearEntertainment

    Must be a different term of what my CoC knows as EAOS. I got till next Valentine's Day 14FEB17 (wink) Probably reenlist for another 4 years and do shore duty.