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  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    DoD & DoN: StatusGearEntertainment

    Appreciate it MJ! (cute) Offsite funding huh? Sounds interesting. I will look into it and might contribute. (icecream) Glad to be back LTN! (glad)
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    c: Thank you! It's good to see you~

    c: Thank you! It's good to see you~
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    DoD & DoN: StatusGearEntertainment

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ Department of Defense and Department of the Navy \\ Status Gear Entertainment \\ Electrician's Mate Fireman Surface Warfare...
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    Guess who's back?

    Guess who's back?
  5. Status Gear Entertainment


    As confident as I am to enroll on this spot now that I know this time about the elections, I still will do as I said before when applying to the RT. I simply am not on enough of the time (plus my consistent Navy sea time,) to constantly make the associated changes and provide on a daily. So I'll...
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    How did you get your username?

    Status Gear Entertainment is a name that was originally called just Status Gear, created all the way back in 2010 with a friend and an official logo was made and posted on 11 JUL 2012: The original name of this unofficial company was to undergo the 2 man team of game development with anything...
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    StatusGearEntertainment's Art Gallery

    You guys most certainly are right. The overall time putting the avatar together, mostly took up the face and hair, which wasn't long. And then well of course, the half butt-put together clothes LOL I'M LAZY GUYS PLEASE.
  8. Status Gear Entertainment
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    StatusGearEntertainment's Art Gallery

    I know it's been awhile and I'm not sure if there's a necropost rule but I just wanted you guys to know I updated this with 2016 pictures. Also promoting my new site i'm trying to make called Vibrant Horizon and the characters look like that guy in that 2016 section. Sorry and Very...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    Biggest migraine ever.

    Biggest migraine ever.
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    2.5k member giveaway!

    2.5K is just the beginning my pretties. Even so with that i'm still proud to be part of this friendly forum. A lot of forums kinda get strict or out of control but this appears to be one of the only timid and friendly places I've been to on the internet. (blush)
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Eventing Logic

    HOW TO MAKE AND CREATE THINGS In case you were interested. **NEW BELOW** EVENT LOGIC DIAGRAMS [ Reserved Post For The Future ] More is sure to come don't worry! I'm trying not to make this dry! SPECIFIC TROUBLE SHOOTING QUESTIONS [ Reserved Post For The Future ] More is sure to...
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    [SGE] [Guide] The Art of Eventing Logic

    !! This guide is not yet complete. If you wish to contribute to largely help explain everything there is about this topic please contact personally or reply in this thread. !! The Art of Eventing Logic Full Guide From Novice To Master Version StatusGearEntertainment Chapter 0...
  14. Status Gear Entertainment

    I'll be writing a fairly large thread that will teach the Art of Eventing from Noob - Master...

    I'll be writing a fairly large thread that will teach the Art of Eventing from Noob - Master. Stay tune!
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    Official Skype Group

    I wish they updated their broken mobile version.
  16. Status Gear Entertainment

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Sailor? USN? I'm not alone?
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    Which one?

    Which one?
  18. Status Gear Entertainment

    If you have an example picture I might do it as a request. :3

    If you have an example picture I might do it as a request. :3
  19. Status Gear Entertainment

    hello im comicler

    Hello and nice to meet you. Welcome to the forums and I hope you find what you're looking for. (cute)
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

    Just tried out SAI Paint making Alcha Emy's OC:

    Just tried out SAI Paint making Alcha Emy's OC: