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  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hi! Nice to meet you!

    Nice to meet you @peachbunnie ! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. (blush)(icecream)
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    Diving into the art section

    It's a good start. Learning different variations and colors. You should try drawing something larger for more of a challenge!
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    Keyboard plugin

    1. Create New Event 2. Set Event to Parallel Process 3. Create an Event Command: Conditional Branch 4. On Conditional Branch, go to page 4 5. Select Script 6. Input Input.keyTriggered('D') 7. Press 'Ok' 8. Inside the Conditional Branch Content, do something simple like Show Text 9. Make it say...
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    2 Years I've been on here! We've come along way guys!

    2 Years I've been on here! We've come along way guys!
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    It will be placing your card down to conquer territory. Placing cards adjacent to it will...

    It will be placing your card down to conquer territory. Placing cards adjacent to it will compare values. For those who played, it will be similar to FF8's Triple Triad.
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    Thinking about implementing a card mini-game in. is an example...

    Thinking about implementing a card mini-game in. is an example for a card design. Ask for more info!
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    Getting ready to release a demo here soon for Vibrant Horizon. Looking forward to reviews!

    Getting ready to release a demo here soon for Vibrant Horizon. Looking forward to reviews!
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Heya folks

    Welcome to the forums @Aether ! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, even if it's a PM. There is a bit of change from the previous versions but nothing that can't be figured out. (blush)
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    New to the Whole Process

    Nice to meet you @Finster85 and welcome to the forums, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask! Even if it's a PM! (blush)
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    Stop screen fading out when starting new game

    Very informative and glad you found your answer, not sure how many more want the same thing but at least we have a solution now. (cute)
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    Newest Newbie here!

    Nice to meet you reinventedsky! I hope you can find what you are looking for on the forums to help. Do not be afraid to ask! (glad)
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    Greeting Fellow Gamer Designers

    Nice to meet you @Antaus , I'm here to help if you wish to know about anything or simply need assistance in general with your projects. (cute) I hope you can find what you need here at the forums.
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    Stop screen fading out when starting new game

    Sounds like you wish to skip the whole title screen and credits logo at the beginning. A plugin can be found here by Silver which skips all of that. If you are wanting to just remove the "Made with MV" logo, go into the plugins manager and turn that plugin off.
  14. Status Gear Entertainment

    Movement Problems

    There are a few ways to do this. If you wish to be plugin-free, you can set an event as Autorun and not Parallel. Autorun forces the event to perform the actions before anything else is allowed to do anything. If you do not mind using a plugin, Yanfly has a Stop Map Movement plugin that easily...
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    Hack n slash

    Was interested in seeing your game, hope your new game does well. The art style is pretty nice. :3
  16. Status Gear Entertainment


    You've come to the right places for friends! Welcome to the community! (cat)
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    Default Theme/Dark Theme

    This blew my mind because I was on the Dark Theme and I switch back just now to see all of this. pretty cool and looks nice! Abyss theme pretty cool too!
  18. Status Gear Entertainment


  19. Status Gear Entertainment

    Of course! c:

    Of course! c:
  20. Status Gear Entertainment

