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Making quests work!


I'm new to RPG maker. I have watched a tutorial on youtube on scripting a basic "Kill X monster for X reward" quest. However, I cannot seem to get it to work. Can anyone direct me to a step by step on this process? Thanks :D

So I have a quest for "Kill 15 skeletons" but in my quest log, the progress counter wont increase. Just shows 0/15, even though it IS counting how many I kill. What am I doing wrong? I am using gameus quest editor. I guess basically it wont count how many enemies I defeat and update the quest log.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've moved this topic to MV Support, please ensure you put your topic in the correct forum next time, thank you.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
I don't know much about the plugin but it sounds like it's counting your kills but not specifically your skeleton kills. So it's counting one variable but not counting another.

I have created some guides (currently being fixed up and updated) on both eventing and plotting:

But a basic "Kill X monster for X reward" quest can easily be evented.
Eventing Tutorial: Creating Enemies & Tracking Them
1. Go to Tools then go to Database then go to Troops
2. Use a preexisting one or click Change Maximum and add 1 more.
3. Give it a name and select any of the enemies on the right side. The right box will give you a list of all the enemies in your database you can use for this specific Troop battle.
4. If you wish to create your own enemy, then go to the Enemies tab and do so. If not, skip this step.
5. Place as many skeletons as you desire (up to 8 as allowed).
6. Now you will go to the bottom half of the window to the Battle Event where you will control everything during this battle.
7. Click Conditions (because you want this to run when it happens) and click the check box for Enemy HP and leave it on that first enemy and change the value to 0% or below. (So you are telling the game to run the event when the 1st enemy is dead.)
8. Click OK and click below to open the Events Command window.
9. On tab 1 click Control Variables and click on the 0001 block and name your variable then click OK.
10. Set your Operation to Add and your Operand to 1.
11. On the left side click on Copy Page and paste as many as you want equal to the amount of enemies in this troop.
12. For each newly copied page, you will want to go back to the Conditions box and change the enemy to the next one.

Summary: We just created a battle scene that has skeletons and for every skeleton you kill, it adds on to the counter of killed skeletons. It does this by checking every enemy to see if their HP is 0 during the Span of the entire Battle. This in total will allow you 8 skeletons max per battle if you decide to call this troop that is set at 8. You can repeat this entire process over again if you want to do random encounters of 2 or 3 skeletons or more.

**Tip: It is highly recommended to create multiple Troop encounters to give the game a better fluid feel because you don't want your players to get into a battle and already expect what the results will be. If they know that if they run around and encounter eight skeletons at once every time, then they know the quest would be complete in one or two more encounters. By creating more, you offer different experiences every time.
Eventing Tutorial: Checking For Completed Quest
1. Create an event and give it an image on the left side box
2. Click on the Contents box to open the Events Command window.
3. On tab 1 click Conditional Branch and click the circle for Variable and set your Constant value to how many skeletons you want dead to complete the quest and then click the box at the bottom to Create Else Branch then click OK.
4. Now inside this conditional branch, the first diamond will be what happens when you complete the quest. Put whatever you want in there.
5. The second diamond be what happens when you talk to this event and you still haven't completed the quest. For a good example here go ahead and click to open and on tab 1 click Show Text and then set your image on the left side. If you hover your mouse in the text box WITHOUT typing anything. It will be kind enough to show you text commands you can do while they talk. For instance, you can put "You have killed \V[1] skeletons but there's still more out there!" The \V[1] will display the value of that variable. You can also use \C[3] to add some color and it can be used in conjunction with other syntax so \C[3]\V[1] is allowed but make sure to set \C[0] at the end so the rest of your text isn't the same color.
Summary: We just created an event that will check to see if you properly killed all the skeletons needed for the quest. If you read it left to right and top to bottom, then the code should be self explanatory.

**Tip: You can add comments to help identify what the event does in a nutshell to save you the trouble of figuring out what the whole set of code does. This becomes very useful for events with a wall of code. You can find it on tab 1 and on the very bottom left called Comment...
I hoped this helped. And if you have anymore questions, I will be here to help answer them. Step by step if needed. (cat)
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