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  1. eivl

    Custom Menu Using Javascript

    You are now able to remap Esc key with my keyboard plugin. Just set the parameter to true ;)
  2. eivl

    Keyboard plugin

    eivl updated Keyboard plugin with a new update entry: Remap Esc Key Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. eivl

    RPG Maker Keyboard plugin - Remap Esc Key

    You are now able to map Esc key
  4. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    remind me during the weekend, and i will look into it.
  5. eivl

    Wiki stuff! :3

    I tried making a wiki post, but it was lost to the void when i hit enter during the setup process. Not seen it since. I would love to write the whole code of MV with comments on the wiki, but it is a bit fiddely.
  6. eivl

    dekete rpg forever

    Are you asking how you do this for a project or for all projects? I need to know what version you are running. Standalone or steam.
  7. eivl

    easily the second best of the entire series. Arguable the best as well. Put the prequel series...

    easily the second best of the entire series. Arguable the best as well. Put the prequel series to shame.
  8. eivl

    Now, 4 hours sleep and then off to work!

    Now, 4 hours sleep and then off to work!
  9. eivl

    16 Hours at the cinema today. Watched it 5 times ;)

    16 Hours at the cinema today. Watched it 5 times ;)
  10. eivl

    I have had to ignore 35 notifications today, i am sorry.... Will try to get back to normal...

    I have had to ignore 35 notifications today, i am sorry.... Will try to get back to normal during the weekend
  11. eivl

    5th now.

    5th now.
  12. eivl

    Yeah ;)

    Yeah ;)
  13. eivl

    The Force Awakens[NO SPOILERS]

    Not sure, i am going for my last seethrough, 5th time ;) There are around 500 seats per show.
  14. eivl

    [Scripting]Centering drawTextEx

    Get width of screen Get with of the drawn text box Devide both in two to get the correct POS. If you use drawText instead you can use center align. Depends on what you need it for.
  15. eivl

    Watching it for the forth time ;)

    Watching it for the forth time ;)
  16. eivl

    Lower Health

    No time, star wars in 3 min. Check my potion example on JavaScript or support thread. It is not exactly what you want but might help you understand how forumlas work
  17. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    Wondering if it is enough to just change the static variables to make it work..... Hmmmmm..... @Soul do you know how this work?
  18. eivl

    Replenish % with an upto limit?

    It is a bit complecated, my first atemt did not work. I might just ask yanfly about it instead ;)
  19. eivl

    The Force Awakens[NO SPOILERS]

    Seen it once, going in for my second time now ;)
  20. eivl

    It has been an awakening ;)

    It has been an awakening ;)