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Wiki stuff! :3

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Bizarre Monkey

I know I'm one of only two people who even uses the wiki in it's current state, the recent approval system is a bit weak, though. I think!

Firstly, it asks an admin or maybe mod in training/mod to approve a section, which is inconvenient for both contributors and managers, it also makes life hell for editors. What I suggest is promoting a couple members who care enough a sort of Wiki moderator status, currently my only decent suggestion is me, since I've got 10+ well formatted pages on the wiki, I also think giving members who devote a lot of time to wiki contribution (maybe based on an award) get entire rights over their own pages and editing of said pages.

I think definitely, a filter should be added for the first five entries or so, since that would deter bots and members with less than noble intentions, otherwise it'd be ideal to not have to await admin approval for doing anything and everything.

It also means if we had a Wiki Sponsor group that Admins could focus on administrating things, you guys have sparse enough time as is, allow me to lighten your workload.

Also sorry about desisting my sponsorship, I'll add it back when I can, Christmas is a thing though, and it's always expensive.


Local Hero
I tried making a wiki post, but it was lost to the void when i hit enter during the setup process. Not seen it since.

I would love to write the whole code of MV with comments on the wiki, but it is a bit fiddely.

Bizarre Monkey

It enters a moderation Queue, which asks if 'Xyphien condones it'. Since Xyphien is busy being isolated in Afghanistan about now it's hard for him to be on these things actively. Which is why I suggested the notion of Wiki Sponsors/Staff.

We could call them... 'Wiki Lords'... yesssss!
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