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  1. eivl

    Howdy folk!

    Hello! =) Just as me anything, and i will try to assist you as best i can! ;)
  2. eivl

    How to add eye colors?

    are you thinking about the editor now?
  3. eivl

    Lower Health

    Where are you at now? here is the screenshot i forgot to link you :
  4. eivl

    set movement route problem

    I am not sure what you are asking? Are you asking : how do i check from what tile have the character moved from?
  5. eivl

    Real-Space Combat / Movement

    I will ask some of my fellow developers if they are planning this
  6. eivl

    Original Generator Files

    If you are not using the steam version you can redownload it from the website, anyone that preordered got both steam and normal version, and if steam is not available then a reinstall will fix it.
  7. eivl

    Is there a 'meet the mods' thread?

    Ill do that as well! ;)
  8. eivl

    Just Saying Hi

    Hello! welcome and just let me know if you are in need of assistance! ;)
  9. eivl

    Help with creating plugin commands

    If you need to have a variable global, like if you are creating a set of multiple plugins then yes it is reasonable to use your own namespace. I use my own namespace because i want to easily debug my variables during development, but it is not needed for any single plugin. You can self invoke a...
  10. eivl

    Finnishing up my armor plugin, that is why i have been ignoring the forums today! ;)

    Finnishing up my armor plugin, that is why i have been ignoring the forums today! ;)
  11. eivl

    Is there any program to record MV games well?

    Forgot about shadowplay, is not that free if you have nvidia? There might be something similar with amd.
  12. eivl

    Is there any program to record MV games well?

    Can't as in : my hardware does not support the application. Or can't as in : i do not know how to use the software? I like obs because it is free. I also linked something for you to read as well earlier. Alternatives that is free are : camstudio, screencast o matic, Full list here, but it is...
  13. eivl

    Keys help

    @LTN Games you can close this now.
  14. eivl

    3D RPG Maker MV

    It is the magic of PixiJS ;)
  15. eivl

    Keys help

    First thing, download a key remapping plugin, like this : Then you create an event on the map where you want to have access to the key bindings, and set the event to run in parallel. Code for the script ...
  16. eivl

    dekete rpg forever

    In your program folder, where you have the editor inststalled steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\NewData There is a folder called NewData. Make a backup of it and then remove unwanted files from it. When that is done you will start a new project without the files you removed ;)
  17. eivl

    too much.... ;)

    too much.... ;)
  18. eivl

    This program has some odd things.

    Mouse Wheel is bound to moving the screen when there is more information to see, if you remove it you would loose the core aspect of movement on mobile. It also looks like removing the binding already in place is so time consuming that i think i have to pass on fixing it. Maybe at a later time...
  19. eivl

    Replenish % with an upto limit?

    You know that you can put text about this in the info box? I have tried adding and changing values but they affect the amount you heal for, so without a before eval and after eval part of the plugin it is not possible to get this in item core.
  20. eivl

    Lower Health

    Did you manage to get it done or do you want me to post some screenshots?