I'm looking for a real-space combat plugin: Instead of entering Battle Mode and making turn-based attacks, your character would move on the map and slash at enemies and take damage when attacked, like you would in the old Zelda games. A great plugin that accomplished this in VX Ace was the Sapphire Action System. I'm looking for something comparable.
I am willing to help develop this, but I don't know the language yet (I'm starting today). If this plugin already exists, that is better. If anyone with more experience wants to develop this with of without my help, that would make me super happy. Ideally, this would be fairly simple to use and would be accessible to the general community.
Nice Additions for the Plugin:
Weapon Animations (important)
Variety of attacks (tertiary)
Weapon Art/Animations change when weapon changes (tertiary)
Item damage based on dice rolls (ATK = 1d6 +3, for example) (tertiary)
Calculating crits based on character perameters (like "Dexterity" and "Luck") (tertiary)
Movement that Ignores map grid. (important)
Projectiles (arrows, spears, spells, etc) (important)
Knockback (weapons, spells) (tertiary)
Buffs and Debuffs (poison, slow, burn,etc...) from incoming and outgoing attacks. They don't need animations, since the developer can create that easily. (tertiary)
I'm also open to resources that would help me to create this.
I am willing to help develop this, but I don't know the language yet (I'm starting today). If this plugin already exists, that is better. If anyone with more experience wants to develop this with of without my help, that would make me super happy. Ideally, this would be fairly simple to use and would be accessible to the general community.
Nice Additions for the Plugin:
Weapon Animations (important)
Variety of attacks (tertiary)
Weapon Art/Animations change when weapon changes (tertiary)
Item damage based on dice rolls (ATK = 1d6 +3, for example) (tertiary)
Calculating crits based on character perameters (like "Dexterity" and "Luck") (tertiary)
Movement that Ignores map grid. (important)
Projectiles (arrows, spears, spells, etc) (important)
Knockback (weapons, spells) (tertiary)
Buffs and Debuffs (poison, slow, burn,etc...) from incoming and outgoing attacks. They don't need animations, since the developer can create that easily. (tertiary)
I'm also open to resources that would help me to create this.