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  1. eivl

    Now i realy need to go to bed......

    Now i realy need to go to bed......
  2. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    Are You using a fixed number of players or is it variable? You would need actor1 hp, Actor2 hp, actor3 hp.... And so on as a variable. I would need to rewrite The entire battlesystem as well. What Plugins Are You using and what variables do You need?
  3. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    I do believe that HP is required ;)
  4. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    not looking to alter a stat, are looking to change a stat from one container to another. And regarding to HP, you are not able to track that in battle without the use of a plugin. it would not even be remotely possible. other stats that are not changed during combat can ofc be controlled via a...
  5. eivl

    daaamn,.. work in 4 hours, off to bed..

    daaamn,.. work in 4 hours, off to bed..
  6. eivl

    Window Pop

    Looks very nice! =) do i need to have wpop_bg.png for it to work? NWM, found it in the description ;)
  7. eivl

    [JS Request] Hold to Turn

    Yes, you can do this with my keyboard plugin ;) psudo code : if variable1 === 1 if keyTriggered(123) && keyTriggered(left) turn char left else if keyTriggered(123) && keyTriggered(right) turn char right if keyTriggered(123) && keyTriggered(up) turn char up else if keyTriggered(123) &&...
  8. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    Og yeah, now i understand... Yeah a plugin is what is needed.. I will look into it Is this what you want?
  9. eivl

    Tiles don't show up

    Is this part not possible to do in MV?
  10. eivl

    How to add eye colors?

    Read a post on rpgmaker.NET gradient.png , eyes are in one part of the file, not sure on what line it is, i will have to find that post again first. cut and paste from rpgmakerweb File Locations: Windows Default Steam Root: SteamApps/common/RPG Maker MV/ Windows Default Root: Program Files...
  11. eivl

    Adding onto the Generator?

    I was so confirtable in my chair, with tales of zestiria in 4k from my steam machine.... Well... Give me a second.. And a side note, can i get access to the wiki? I can manage it and the support forum ;) generator with all male and female merged together Download, inspec how the filenames are...
  12. eivl

    Tiles don't show up

    Could you show me how it works in xp? I am missing some contex to argument for or against.
  13. eivl

    Adding onto the Generator?

    You will need to add the sprite for it, the only thing that is important is that you follow the naming convention as all other assets. Do you want me to make a complete example? I do not have any sprites, but i might find something on the interweb ;)
  14. eivl

    Move event's sprite

    I do not understand what this means.... To move an event you use the editor to do it, it is under Movement and is called set movement route (or something like that) And i am not sure why this is a resource request, looks like a MV Support question.
  15. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    What do you mean by this? can you show me an example of this?
  16. eivl

    Adding onto the Generator?

    It looks like the Sexes are hard coded in the editor, you would have to make a dwarf face inside male and female to make it work.
  17. eivl

    My first game

    Yes, no son will save his girlfriend that is a princess ;) nope! ;) Yeah it is! ;) Important to get an early start with computers, art, programming, whatever! ;)
  18. eivl

    Tiles don't show up

    What do you mean? I find it quite robust, the way you can make tiles automatically blend with other tiles and such..
  19. eivl

    Comments in Code Colour Change?

    Maybe we should do what we talked about and fix it ourself. problem is that it will break during the next update. @Xyphien did you talk about this on PM or in a post?
  20. eivl

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    JavaScript has two sets of equality operators: === and !==, and their evil twins == and !=. The good ones work the way you would expect. If the two operands are of the same type and have the same value, then === produces true and !== produces false. The evil twins do the right thing when the...