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Tiles don't show up


Towns Guard
This is my first time working with RPG MV tiles, but I have plenty of experience with pixel work. So I decided to do some worth here with MV when I found a problem. Perhaps its very simple, but I could not found any solution. The tiles I've made and placed don't show up, just a black thing, as there was nothing there. I don't know what I have done or haven't done, but I can't get it work. Anyone could give me a hand on this?

Bizarre Monkey

That's... super weird.

This is the wrong forum for this, but, that ain't my job to worry about.

I have imported custom tiles... I haven't tried making them.

So, are those grass tiles on A5?

Might be something auto-tile related if they're on A1-to-A4.

I'd need more info to be able to help, take a screenshot of your editor and tileset entry in the database.


Towns Guard
Thanks but seems that I solved it. I created a new project and now its working as it should. I don't know what may have happened back there that could have caused the weird thing. I guess its solved, don't need to worry.

EDIT: My god, my worst fear has materialized itself before my eyes, RPG Maker MV has the same disgusting mapping and tileset system as VX and Ace. I can't believe it. It was the reason I never done any VX and Ace work....
Its a shame, I kinda like MV, but I don't think I'll any work on it anymore like this.
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Towns Guard
Robust really? I don't know what you saw in there to be robust, for me its horrible. I don't have any freedom at all to do what I wanted, its too limited and you are either tied by size (768x768 only) as you are tied to transparency layers that keep conflicting with one another, since this editor don't have the simplest option to allow user to choose the layer level. RPG Maker XP still the best mapping system ever.
Its a shame, I really liked MV processing and other options, but I don' think I'll ever do any work on it anymore. If someone corrects it with plugin, perhaps I can reconsider, but as it it, I don't think so.


Staff member
Have you ever thought about doing custom-made parallax mapping? You being a pixel artist should make it an easy task. There is so much freedom with parallax mapping.


Towns Guard
I haven't done any parallax work at VX and Ace, I found parallax the most ridiculous thing I have ever seem, it only serve to cover a major problem of the maker, don't allow any later customization without have to remake everything. My maps normally made, then polished, by adding more and more details over and over by time, its impossible by Parallax. By the way XP didn't need it.. My tiles work at XP has 256x7502 size at least, most of it were objects made to fit specific places. I can't do the same here on MV. And I still need a parallax plugin to begin with, but I still will be limited, I'll not be able to use the same level of objects as I have in XP.

Don't worry with me, I give up this, not worth the trouble.
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Towns Guard
I went to a new maker trying to find more freedom, instead I got a iron ball of limitation and parallax. Perhaps one day I'll try, but I think it will be probably just like VX and Ace, I've tried for some months, then I gave up, its not appealing to me. For now its over for me.
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Staff member
I actually bought XP after buying MV. Needed it to be able to use certain tree trunks. Sometimes we have to go backwards to go forwards. There are members who may be in direct contact with the creators of MV. Some of your concerns may be addressed in future updates. :)


Towns Guard
I actually bought XP after buying MV. Needed it to be able to use certain tree trunks. Sometimes we have to go backwards to go forwards. There are members who may be in direct contact with the creators of MV. Some of your concerns may be addressed in future updates. :)
Thanks and I hope so, if MV had the same mapping systema as XP it would be AMAZING! totally unlimited.
But I don't think they will ever change it, parallax from what I know is much more easy to process, and to programming with. If they change, it will be about everything in the system, and it would take time and money. It would also harm people who already are doing MV works now. They didn't changed it a VX and Ace, and will not change it at MV too, and its a shame.


Towns Guard
Heres a map that I'm making right now, its unfinished, but you can see the details. Its still without any fog or lighting effect yet.

[doublepost=1450728160,1450728065][/doublepost]Heres the tileset, as you can see its still uncompleted, I'm still working on something for it, trying to recicle from other tiles, many forms that are in there still will be changed through the process of the mapping, I normaly think about it during the making.

[doublepost=1450730337][/doublepost]I usually don't create something from nothing, I try to work over something that already exists. This is a sample is a character from Ragnarok Online which I have edited for my game, since I use its sprites, this one I removed one of its arm and replaced with the mechanic metal arm, and the hood from the sniper:


Towns Guard
Sure it is, what about the rest? have you see the number of objects that I use in this map? And its still not even finished. How am I suppose to have freedom do edit and place everything I see fit to the map? I can't. And I refuse to work with parallax, that thing is just a problem cover, and even so I would have twice the trouble to the job. If you stay up with standard resources, thats ok for you, but I don't stand with standard, I like to reshape e edit as unique as possible. MV will not give it to me.

Lets just stop ok, I'll move on this, lets forget and be happy, we can't have everything we want. I'll continue my work on XP. Perhaps in the next maker they really develop some thinking and change the things as they should be.