I just saw it last night, so.....
- Visually, the movie was fantastic. The use of both costumes/make-up along with CGI was great. The costumes paid some pleasing homage to the original films, while the CGI made use of some fantastic visual effects.
- One of the major things I was afraid would happen was avoided - you get the cameos you want to see, but they don't take over the whole movie. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the main cast had many new faces.
- This is totally a nostalgia thing, but the way they did everything from the title/text cut-ins to the scene transitions was spot-on. It wasn't just a movie with Star Wars slapped on it - it felt like a Star Wars movie.
- I'm not going to elaborate, but sometimes the actions taken by characters seem to lack any common sense at all. It's really one of those things you notice if you dwell too much on the movie after you see it, though. It won't be a big deal while you're actually watching it (i.e. I hadn't thought about most of it until my brother pointed it out).
- The character reveals were kind of.... underwhelming? In general, I saw or was introduced to a character and it was just "Okay, carry on".
- Very few plot points were resolved. Again, not going to elaborate on that.