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The Force Awakens[NO SPOILERS]


Local Hero
Do not spoil anything, i will get mad.

But now it is 12 hours until i get to see it and i am very exciting ;)

Anyone else?


Dragon Goddess
oh wow it's coming out tomorrow?

I'll probably see it when it comes out on DVD. not much of a moviegoer lately

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I'm going to see it Monday hopefully, as long as there won't be too much people in theaters after the 3~4 days after release. Who am I kidding, it's Star Wars we're talking about :'(


Dragon Goddess
gotta hear it from the horse's mouth though! I need some fluffy words to describe this-- good is far too plain!

Exhilarating! Amazing! Action-packed! xD

were there things you noticed in your subsequent viewings of the movie that you didnt notice at first, @eivl? how many people were at the theater? lol


Staff member
I am one of the few that is old enough to have seen Episode 4, which back then they did not call them episodes, in the theater. Without having seen Episode 7, all I can say is eventually The Force must be balanced. The end of Episode 6, Return of the Jedi, puts too much pull upon the good side; it must be stabilized and become more balanced. If not in 7, maybe 8 or 9? Never second guess the force. What one had to do to obtain this or that ability is NEVER equal from person to person. Those midi-chlorians work in some marvelous ways.

David FoxFire

Well, the Force might be in balance by the end of Ep VI, but not the Jedis. In Ep VII, there is as few actual Jedi as ever, and the one who can call himself a Jedi have secluded himself somewhere. The force had the cold reboot, but it's still loading it's OS, so to speak. Man, if I had a computer that takes 30 years for me to start using it....


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I just saw it last night, so.....

- Visually, the movie was fantastic. The use of both costumes/make-up along with CGI was great. The costumes paid some pleasing homage to the original films, while the CGI made use of some fantastic visual effects.
- One of the major things I was afraid would happen was avoided - you get the cameos you want to see, but they don't take over the whole movie. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the main cast had many new faces.
- This is totally a nostalgia thing, but the way they did everything from the title/text cut-ins to the scene transitions was spot-on. It wasn't just a movie with Star Wars slapped on it - it felt like a Star Wars movie.

- I'm not going to elaborate, but sometimes the actions taken by characters seem to lack any common sense at all. It's really one of those things you notice if you dwell too much on the movie after you see it, though. It won't be a big deal while you're actually watching it (i.e. I hadn't thought about most of it until my brother pointed it out).
- The character reveals were kind of.... underwhelming? In general, I saw or was introduced to a character and it was just "Okay, carry on".
- Very few plot points were resolved. Again, not going to elaborate on that.
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Staff member
Resource Team
Alright... I'm aware I will get a lot of hate mail but...

I personally do not like this at all. I waited 3 hours in the rain because we were extremely lucky enough to have an all day premiere. All my buddies and I went and watched it, they were all HUGE Star Wars fans, I've seen them like 10 years ago, but I'm not gung ho about it. Well... after the movie we all were extremely disapointed. It seemed very elongated, thrown together, and had so many holes it makes swiss cheese look whole. I'd go more in depth but it'd give out spoilers so I'll reframe. However, I'd like to say that none of us enjoyed it, it was not worth 3 hours of waiting in the rain to be honest lol.

ooh, and you have the now ever so popular loyal meme (Y'all know what I'm talking about)... WTF did he even have that when they were pretty much extinct for like 20 years >.>


Praised Adventurer
I'm actually with you @Xyphien. When I saw it on the opening night, everyone clapped and cheered like it was the greatest movie they had ever seen. It was an ok movie, I suppose, but it definitely wasn't good enough to applaud. Some parts felt forced and rushed, while others were drug on more than necessary.
The emphasis on the bowcaster is a good example for feeling forced.

For a Star Wars movie, it was very underwhelming. That being said, it was still better than the prequels.


I'm an average Star Wars fan so I'm curious how much I like will like it. I don't really know anything about lore or whatever, I just like the space theme and of course the laserz. Also Light Side for life.