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  1. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    But then all events within line of sight should follow you, and if you run from one you might be cough by the other. @LTN Games pm me if you need any assistance! ;)
  2. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    What happens when you trigger multiple events? Let is say two at the time? How do you get into combat?
  3. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    OK i get i now, the player is out walking and it sees an Event, this Event makes it so the player turns against it while the Event moves to the plater. What happends during this? Does the player freeze? And when the Event gets near, does combat start? Should the player escape this?
  4. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    Oh.-.. wait... do you want the player or the event (or both) to turn to each other? yeah... i am confused as well now... make a drawing of what you want and i will fix it for you ;)
  5. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    Then what you are explaining you want does not make this possible. I was under the impression that events where moving and you wanted to check agains that. are you using the build in approach player from the editor?
  6. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    you just go through all events on the map and do a isMoving() check to find it, then you have your id to use with galvs turn_toward function. did that make any sense? you could also send me a sample map of what you are doing as well! That might be easier ;) well, guessing that there is some...
  7. eivl

    Event Image Transparency

    You want the image associated with the event (event is over the player) to change its opacity when the player is under it? so what do you mean with a string of events? do you mean that multiple events are linked together and if you walk under one all are made opaque?
  8. eivl

    Turn Towards This Event

    So.. i think i have been hit with a stupid stick today, what are you trying to do? Events are stored on the map and can be accessed with $gameMap.event if you want to do something when event x is happening i first need to know what the event is doing, because if it is moving you can access this...
  9. eivl

    Combining anonymous function with plugin container

    This is a great way to manage potential conflicts in a large project and this is something that jQuery have been doing for a long time now. If you are going to make something that works in a complex system then this is something to consider.
  10. eivl

    Great plan ;)

    Great plan ;)
  11. eivl

    MV uses OOP, and that is what you should look at learning. OOP is language independent, i...

    MV uses OOP, and that is what you should look at learning. OOP is language independent, i learned it in python but the same rules apply in any language.
  12. eivl

    Mod Campaign is under way!

    Wow, that will be a close race i think! ;) good luck to all!
  13. eivl

    I am going to contact MV devs and try to work with them to fix the bugs that affect the webGL...

    I am going to contact MV devs and try to work with them to fix the bugs that affect the webGL pixi issues that are known. I am also working with another dev to fix some memory leaks with parallax mapping.
  14. eivl

    My armor plugin needs to be put on hold, there are so many memory leaks in pixi that i can not...

    My armor plugin needs to be put on hold, there are so many memory leaks in pixi that i can not get it to work.
  15. eivl

    Is it possible to call some kind of password event by script or plugin?

    I can try to make it support kanji, i will ask Quasi for permission first. Just talked to Quasi, i am free to do whatever i want, but he is going to update the plugin to support different languages in the next update, not sure if you want to wait or if you want me to fix it for you.
  16. eivl

    Possible bugs and things

    If you manage to replicate it and send it to me i can fix it ;)
  17. eivl

    Rope swing animation

    I will try to replicate this and see, but somewhere i read about changing anchor points on events, not sure where....
  18. eivl

    Possible bugs and things

    send me a sample project so i can see these bugs in action!
  19. eivl

    Being able to have sprites and individual status windows on screen in battle...

    Battle Engine Lotus is great! see if that will work for you!
  20. eivl

    New battle system

    Just to clarify a bit, you want to ask the player a math question, if he gets the answer right it is a hit? Strength of the attack is based on if you choice a hard or difficult question. Is this more or less what you mean?