Sweet, That sounds great and please take your time, I was not even expecting this, so take as long as you need.
[doublepost=1456832076,1455115162][/doublepost]After being told this " I'll let you know whn I've made improvements and keep you updated." I waited for two weeks and heard nothing, so I decided to PM you to see what's up. After two days of hearing nothing and seeing you online, I send you another PM "Should I just forget this plugin? I am not trying to hurry anyone, but I was told that I would kept updated. I can understand if someone is not feeling well and does not have the time to do any work. But I have sent a PM a couple days ago and got no answer, which is fine. But now that I see that you have been online and still have not at least returned my PM, makes me wonder if I should even keep my battle system on hold. Please respond one way or another!"After that you give me this response " Sorry about that I must have missed your message the other day because it told me all messages were read. Anyways I'll work on it later today, I'm feeling better now and I have a bit of extra time, I still never got the help from eivl that I was looking for so I'll give it a try on my own. I'll let you know by end of the day, if there is issues with me creating it or if I can't seem to do it. And of course I did not get a PM from you that day or the next day until I sent a semi harsh PM to you, "Really?? I don't get it! Why would someone keep saying one thing: "I'll let you know whn I've made improvements and keep you updated." and I'll let you know by end of the day, " and then just not do what they say? Maybe , best I find someone else more reliable to help me with this." I wont post the rest of the conversation but on Feb. 23rd in there you said "Actually it's done I still have a few small tweaks to do to it. The only thing I did not do was message you at the end of my busy schedule, Your lack of patience results in a lack of a plugin." First off I don't see the lack of patience. What I see is someone new came here to this site seeking an answer to question and then was told "Oh I can can do that for you!" then got the run a round. Lets look at the facts again, I was told: "I'll keep you updated" "I'll let you know by end of the day" "Actually it's done". With those statements and no follow through I went to someone else that was reliable, and had a plugin made. I am in no way saying that you should have went out of your way to make this plugin. What I am saying is, maybe next time you should tell someone a time frame. I just guessing here but but, most people don't want to put their project on hold while waiting for someone to MAYBE send the help that was promised to them! Thanks anyway for the offer. Xyphien, Good luck to you. This site has much potential but with this and other recent drama but I will not be coming here any longer.