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  1. eivl

    [Workshop]Plugin creation (beginner, novice, intermediary and advanced)

    This would be free for any member of
  2. eivl

    How can i create a easy menue access?

    You can call an event from a script with this. $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(n);
  3. eivl

    "Riding" Character generator body

    yes, but you have to follow the rules of the editor to make that work. name of any part of the sprite tells the editor at what layer it should place it in. I wrote about this somewhere, just can remember where.
  4. eivl

    had a few health issues, but i really hope it will be ready by then.

    had a few health issues, but i really hope it will be ready by then.
  5. eivl

    Dialog screen like TES:3 Morrowind

    If i understand you correctly you will need to have a plugin to draw this for you. Most likely it has to be custom made.
  6. eivl

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    try deactivating diagonal movement. What most of these plugins do is to split every tile in multiple parts, so in stead of 1 tile you will have 25. and then pathfinding might be problematic. disable diagonal movement and see if the problem is still there. If it is, please send me a project...
  7. eivl

    multiple load screens

    You might want to look into preloading assets, do you know why your loading times are so long?
  8. eivl

    shield break?

    see if this can be of any help
  9. eivl

    Input Mapping and Calling Common Events

    to call a common event from a script you use this $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(n);
  10. eivl

    Yeah, i am much better, have had a lot to catch up at work but it is not nice to have a open...

    Yeah, i am much better, have had a lot to catch up at work but it is not nice to have a open wound that does not heal. It happens to be real that your skin is good for you ;)
  11. eivl


  12. eivl

    A Few Questions

    8. Common event is available to the entire game, a event is available to the map you are on.
  13. eivl

    Free Javascript Editors

    I have spent so much time with Sublime text and WebStorm so i am totally bias, but Brackets is quite excellent for what it is.
  14. eivl

    [Scripting]Picture Animations on moving screens

    you should use it like this : $gameScreen.showPicture(pictureId, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode)
  15. eivl

    [Scripting] Window_MenuStatus TP gauage ?

    yeah, do not overdo it ;)
  16. eivl

    BBCode tables

    i did try tables in the beginning, but it did not work. hopefully it is not a big problem for users.
  17. eivl

    Icons Don't Display after 1375?

    The strange thing is that it does not show in the database. Are you able to replicate this in different projects?
  18. eivl

    Catching up at work, will within a day be back to support all you fine people! ;)

    Catching up at work, will within a day be back to support all you fine people! ;)
  19. eivl

    Been a few days in the hospital due to an infection in my leg. Be back tonigth

    Been a few days in the hospital due to an infection in my leg. Be back tonigth
  20. eivl

    My deepest condolences

    My deepest condolences