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  1. eivl

    [Workshop]Plugin creation (beginner, novice, intermediary and advanced)

    I will have multiple workshops if there is any interest in that. Beginner: if you do not know anything about plugins, you will learn the basic of programming and at the end you will create a small utility plugin Estimated time : 2 days â 4 hours Examples but not limited to: A plugin that counts...
  2. eivl

    Background Opacity

    yeah! =) there is also a plugin here that does this exact thing.
  3. eivl

    Prevent Variables from Resetting in Do/While

    If you use the JavaScript code so i can read it easily that would be great ;) Your case switch values are wrong, upload the complete code if you want me to look at it more. I am on mobile now so it would be later You could just upload the code to pastebin and send me the link or use any other...
  4. eivl

    vehicle bgm bug fix

    does this happen with all vehicles?
  5. eivl

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    When i get home and on my editor i will test this. what plugin do you use for changing the resolution?
  6. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    I see that, should not be a problem.
  7. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    yeah, that is the default system, i see no point of changing it
  8. eivl

    Question about where I went wrong...

    So you do not need any more help with this? is there anything else i can help you with? remember that RMMV uses oop in their code, so you might want to read about it after some basis JS coding tutorials.
  9. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    Total exp needed to reach next level (not exp from the current to the max, the total) for variable 39 not sure what you mean about this, the game uses something called EXperience Rate, in fact there are 32 different states that can be changed, i am asuming they all are numbers, but i have to...
  10. eivl

    Using variables as Stats

    Well, it is not a plugin as such, i am just experimenting. If you are not using the battle system then i can have this up and running in a few days! ;) what battle system are you using?
  11. eivl

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    check this : if you need anything else i can write an extension plugin with the missing functions.
  12. eivl

    Help: ATB system

    ahh... like a charge battle system thing. @DoubleX has made something like this i think but have not had time to look at it, he might just let us know here if his version is what you want.
  13. eivl

    Wiki Direction?

    I would like the wiki to be the part of the site where you go to find static information. So for plugin development you would segment it in Master and sub classes and with comments off what it does, this is missing in the original code ;) more static information is tutorials, like how to...
  14. eivl

    [Advanced Logic] Random Event Terrain Variable Generation (RETVG)

    Oh, did not know that. But it should be easy enough to fix, ill look at it, but please send me a PM so i can track it, doing alot of catch up after the holidays ;)
  15. eivl

    Question about where I went wrong...

    Did you get it working?
  16. eivl

    Help: ATB system

    Then it is not an atb you are talking about. Is it a CTB you mean then? Like this
  17. eivl

    Full Portraits of base characters

    You can find it here here are the rest There was no legal info with the folder, but it is as @PandaMaru said a DLC, so they have been removed, and you can buy it...
  18. eivl

    Check for Gamepad Input (RPG Maker MV)

    I have a wired controller, i will use it as a test to see how i can make it work!
  19. eivl

    Extra Cover Art Characters [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  20. eivl

    Cover Art Characters [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.