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  1. Akod

    [General] Questions from a beginner

    I have seen this done before and it is very feasible. Since art is an aspect of game making that is purely cosmetic, it can easily be changed at any time, unlike other aspects, like plugins which may cause you to have to make larger changes to the game if added later on. Just be aware that the...
  2. Akod

    Not quite sure why I went to kumoricon, as I don't watch anime, but I had a good time. Managed...

    Not quite sure why I went to kumoricon, as I don't watch anime, but I had a good time. Managed to only spend a moderately large sum of money
  3. Akod

    Seasonal/Recent/Occasionally Background Contest/Change?

    Unfortunately, I can't.
  4. Akod

    Seasonal/Recent/Occasionally Background Contest/Change?

    Sounds like a good idea. If only I could actually see the themes. ;_;
  5. Akod

    Share Your Desktop !

    Not quite sure why, but when looking at your desktop I looked at all the face icons, then my gaze moved down and I saw Isaac staring at me crying and it made me chuckle. I think it's because it's just so out of place. Here's my desktop.
  6. Akod

    It's fun being nuts, don't you agree?

    It's fun being nuts, don't you agree?
  7. Akod

    Only a few hours left to join the your choice giveaway! If you want to participate, time is...

    Only a few hours left to join the your choice giveaway! If you want to participate, time is running out.
  8. Akod

    I've been up for 37 hours straight. why am I not tired? I guess I'll lay down and hope to fall...

    I've been up for 37 hours straight. why am I not tired? I guess I'll lay down and hope to fall asleep or something...
  9. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    That's what toaster ovens and hot plates are for. If your appliance runs on gas, just buy electric alternatives. =) I'm sorry, but you are not correct. With the exception of while I'm at work, I drink soda almost exclusively (I drink tea during the fall/winter, too), especially caffeinated...
  10. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    You are correct. Growing up with a chef for a father I learned to cook quite well, though I am a bit out of practice as of recently. As for my blood pressure, last time I donated blood the nurse checked it and she was surprised I was able to stand without nearly passing out. She said my systolic...
  11. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    I'm sorry that is not correct. I am, in fact, over six feet in height. Compared to the average height of an American male (5'9" - 5'10"), I am considered to be tall. Let's see...You did say you were afraid of everything at least once, so you may have a fear of seagulls. And living near the...
  12. Akod

    Forum Loading Slowly

    Is it just me or has the forum been extra slow these last couple of days? At least for me every new page I go to seems to take about a minute or so to load, and only for this site.
  13. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    My hearing doesn't bother me, it's been so long I don't remember what normal hearing is like, so it's normal to me. And that is an impressive age to start typing, I bet you were the best typist in school by far. You are correct, I do not have black hair. Actually, I'm a redhead. (This one was a...
  14. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    You're too kind, I wouldn't have counted my non-answer as a right answer. And I'm sorry, but that answer is not correct. I damaged my hearing pretty bad around my tween years, so now low talkers/mumblers are the bane of my existence. Also, since I have a hard time telling how loud I'm talking...
  15. Akod

    Two truths, One lie.

    If you were being literal I would say the third statement would be the lie, but since that'd be ridiculous I'm going to have to say you don't like to braid your hair. I'm an avid fan of Zelda games I'm hard of hearing I'm allergic to cats
  16. Akod

    @[9385:@Akamizu] They will, but if they aren't set up properly they don't loop seamlessly.

    @[9385:@Akamizu] They will, but if they aren't set up properly they don't loop seamlessly.
  17. Akod

    The Real You picture threddo!

    @Derek1313 I never understood the whole (non-religious) gauging thing. If you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to gauge your ears and why to the extent that you did?
  18. Akod

    That weird dating sim/jrpg game? Yeah, I have.

    That weird dating sim/jrpg game? Yeah, I have.
  19. Akod

    My name is Diante

    Welcome to the forum, @Diante! Glad you decided to join us. This is a great place to be if you like to learn new things relating to RPG Maker, we have plenty of people with skills all across the board who would be happy to help with any roadblocks you may run into along the way. And even if you...
  20. Akod

    That sucks. Take it easy for a while, the last thing we want is for it to get any worse. And...

    That sucks. Take it easy for a while, the last thing we want is for it to get any worse. And tell your immune system that if it doesn't start working I'll come and kick it's butt. I think it'll get the picture. =P