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  1. polar_fawkes

    Good evening

    hey sage, welcome to the site! from what you're describing, you are great at game design, but have little experience/patience for game development. You're in the right place. I've decided to use MV for that very reason. You can pull off some pretty powerful mechanics once you learn the basics...
  2. polar_fawkes

    Hi everyone! XD

    hello and welcome! what @MinisterJay said! show us what you can do!
  3. polar_fawkes

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    @Isaac The Red what's your point. the names of the weapon animations aren't player-facing, and anyone with a basic knowledge of plugins will be using notetags to specify the filename of the weapon animation. if you're looking for help, please post in the appropriate section of the forum. this...
  4. polar_fawkes

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    @Isaac The Red yes, i'm aware of that. this is a discussion specifically about resources. also, the names aren't hard-coded, they are configurable via weapon types
  5. polar_fawkes

    MV Star Wars sprite

    hey there! if someone were to do that, disney would definitely shut down this forum. what you are looking for is called a 'spritesheet'. i suggest you refine your google search, as you most certainly aren't the first person to want to do this. for battlers, you will have to get creative, but...
  6. polar_fawkes

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    Uhhhhh..... This may be way more ideas than you were looking for, but: Rusty, Copper, Iron, Steel, Obsidian, and a deep purpley transclucent "legendary" materlial for: -Dagger -Longsword -Mace -Spear -Flail -Axe A custom wand/rod and staff/sceptre for: -Fire -Water -Earth -Lightning -Air -Ice...
  7. polar_fawkes


    Fuck. I didn't realize this was a thing. .... May have to scrap everything and start with this engine if the answer is 'yes'. link to what he's talking about
  8. polar_fawkes

    "Riding" Character generator body

    Hey all, Is there any way to be able to create a 'riding' pose for the walking spritesheet in the character generator? Ie instead of the 'standing' body I'd select 'riding.' Then I'd be able to hop into photoshop and layer it over a quadrapedal monster sprite, and have worg/dragon/cat riders.
  9. polar_fawkes

    vehicle bgm bug fix

    this is a known issue with the engine. please refer to this plugin for vx ace for a detailed description for the bug.
  10. polar_fawkes

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    setup: create a new map. 120x120. fill x:0..119, y:0..59 with unpassable tile. set start party position to around x67y67. create an event about x72y72, add a graphic, ensure it is set to same level as player. add some placeholder, like give gold 10, erase event. control: using a mouse...
  11. polar_fawkes

    vehicle bgm bug fix

    hey, has anyone made an mv version of this fix? my entire open world consists of cells, a lot of the world is ocean, bug is very annoying lol. basically bgm doesnt change right ever with vehicles.
  12. polar_fawkes

    Window Pop

    nice! like i said, i'm totally happy with the plugin as is, so i totally support your proposed workflow. feel free to hit me up when you have new versions, i spent 3 years as a QA tester so it's no extra effort to be on the lookout for bugs ;) take care!
  13. polar_fawkes

    Window Pop

    wow an engineer that comes back and not only says yes, but asks how i would like to see it implemented? awesome dude. hadnt thought about losing item! Definitely would like to manage that as well, will likely go with a 'found 1x[[]]itemname' and 'lost 1x[[]]itemname' messaging. with the color...
  14. polar_fawkes

    Window Pop

    heya! i'm here with a feature request! yay! i'd love a plugin parameter that would let me customize how item pops are presented to the player. for instance, i prefer the format "[amount]x[icon][name]" which would come out to something like 1x[icon]Tattered Quilted Gloves. i saw today's update...
  15. polar_fawkes

    lessons learned: modular overworld(not player facing) for open world rpgs

    also, 120x120 is the perfect balance between 'open' feeling and being too empty/samey. the real problem w open worlds in rpgm is making sure that no matter where the player stops walking, they are looking at a fascinating image. so in my 500x500 prior prototypes i end up with swathes of just...
  16. polar_fawkes

    lessons learned: modular overworld(not player facing) for open world rpgs

    heya, just wanted to share an approach to open-world gaming i've developed over the years specific to rpgm. i've had to scrap dozens of projects due to overloading the engines with events, but i've finally got a good system for a morrowind-style cell system for use in rpg maker. i make an...
  17. polar_fawkes

    Hello everyone

    hey dude! new forum member myself but longtime designer. your coding background is gonna be a huge overkill. you'll find that you're going to have to 'unlearn' the best practices from object oriented programming, if you've waded into that pond at all. a couple tips that will drive you crazy if...
  18. polar_fawkes

    Official Skype Group

    just hit up sage at 'mr.sagecurtis' but if anyone in the chat is watching this, i'd love to join. user 'polar_fawkes'
  19. polar_fawkes

    hi! long-time rpgm user, excited for multiplatform deployment and commercial potential

    thanks for the warm welcome guys! glad to see this forum is active!! i'll share a video or two once the core systems are coded :) @DarcHiro haha! nice dude! did u ever play with rpgm95 or the fire emblem/shining force rpg maker? yeah i gave some promising himeworks plugins a shot but they...
  20. polar_fawkes

    fairly critical bug with yanfly's cooldown plugin, can you guys repro?

    @eivl hey man! i was actually just going to shoot this to you, but couldnt figure out how to dm lol. thanks for trying to repro, going through and updating everything was the next step if others couldn't reproduce. what maaaay be a factor is the skill is instant cast as well. or that i'm using...