hey dude! new forum member myself but longtime designer. your coding background is gonna be a huge overkill. you'll find that you're going to have to 'unlearn' the best practices from object oriented programming, if you've waded into that pond at all.
a couple tips that will drive you crazy if you don't know:
a) you'll want to create an event in the 'common events' tab set to parallel process with a switch like 'gameStarted' on. put 'wait 300 frames' there. then after the intro, right before you give player control, turn gameStarted on. this common event is your main begin-end loop. your day/night cyces, mechanics unique to your game, etc will fire via this loop (if player has vampirism, add 1 to vamparism counter. if counter 300, save party location, transfer to vampire transition map, play a scripted hillucination, change player class to vampire. that kinda shit)
b) plugins may have fixed this entirely, but as far as i know the only way to fuck with strings is to forfeit an actor in the 'actors' tab of game settings. you can use the hero name entry page for when you want players to enter a string. i havent tested if you can append/prefix to these strings, you prolly can though.
c) open a new event, create a 'show text message' item, and hover over the box until the tooltip displays. treat this tooltip as a mandatory tutorial lol. back in my day, you had to literally guess to figure out these were commands.
d) completely forget the shit you can do in c++. again, you will immediately run into limitations with the engine. creative use of point a) fixes a lot of stuff (a being a procedure that fires your other procedures aka common events). plugin suites (yanfly's in particular,
http://yanfly.moe/yep/) pushes it a little farther. but you cannot create arrays, you cannot create classes, and you cannot create objects that contain variables.
if you can learn to appreciate the opportunities that working within a constrained toolset provides, you'll fuckin love this thing. happy worldcrafting, fella.