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  1. polar_fawkes

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    totally. and i suppose you're right. kadokawa is putting out a product that they intend to be 4-directional. yeah you're totally right. thanks for clarifying there. i go into rages without looking at the basic economics of the situation sometimes. awesome! re: galv! let's definitely hold off on...
  2. polar_fawkes

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    christ.... workaround might be to provide a version without diagonal pathing for mobile, export an exe with it enabled for pc because it's best w controller anyway. but then id need a way to enable it on-fly for those who would prefer high-apm diablo-esque navigation, or discourage it...
  3. polar_fawkes

    Weird NPCS and Tables Effect

    check the 'direction fix' checkbox on the event page if you'd like events to stay facing one direction when activated. if you don't want them to be talkable from one side of the table, you could add a same level as player empty event on that side. havent tested myself but that should do it...
  4. polar_fawkes

    "Riding" Character generator body

    nicenicenicenicenice. my cat-people army should be riding dogs. sounds like that's doable. i'll let you know if i need help reverse-engineering the layering system.
  5. polar_fawkes

    ah man, i'm sorry to hear that bro! take your time, and keep me posted. your input and product...

    ah man, i'm sorry to hear that bro! take your time, and keep me posted. your input and product adds incredible value to my product. you are appreciated.
  6. polar_fawkes

    Dialog screen like TES:3 Morrowind

    yanfly's plugin has word-wrap built in. my question solely revolves around getting the top of the choice box to align to the top of the message box. as is, the bottom of the message box aligns to the top of the message box. please only reply to this thread if your post pertains to that issue...
  7. polar_fawkes

    shield break?

    hey guys, posted this the day before they announced item durability, which will solve my issue. thanks for the creative alternatives! @eivl i will explore your solution for enchanted shields, as it might be a great refillable currency for things like elemental absorption. (refill via 'soul gems'...
  8. polar_fawkes

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    oh for fucks sake.... @eivl, why don't they use A*? what the fuck is the point in making a 5x5 grid of each tile? ill test this soon.
  9. polar_fawkes

    shield break?

    or a fixed % chance on each type of hit. ie wooden buckler breaks 20% of time, iron tower shield 2%
  10. polar_fawkes

    shield break?

    heya! i was thinking, it would be great if shields gave taunt via yanfly's taunt plugin, but they had a set number of times they could taunt? ie a wooden buckler would break after that actor is hit with physical damage 25-30 times, a silk cloak with magic taunt would break after the actor...
  11. polar_fawkes

    vehicle bgm bug fix

    thanks a ton ltn
  12. polar_fawkes

    multiple load screens

    hi again, any way to make multiple load screens? my load times are becoming noticeable, so it's time for me to start thinking about how to make this as little un-fun as possible. examples of the sort of load screens i want to cycle each time...
  13. polar_fawkes

    999 map limit

    hey guys, anyone know of an easy way to get around the 999-map limit in rpg maker mv? i'm only at 460 or so right now, but that's just the overworld, so i'm trying to get an idea of how conservative i need to be with building interiors/caves going forward. thanks!
  14. polar_fawkes

    vehicle bgm bug fix

    yes, occurs with each of the 3 vehicle type. also, feel free to reverse-engineer whatever fix is in the link i provided! that guy already fixed it for vx so if you understand rgss/whateverthefuck just open the plugin to see what he did :D
  15. polar_fawkes

    pathfinding lag when clicking unpassable tile

    a couple more i spotted that might be related. resolution: YEP_CoreEngine diagonal movement: GALV_DiagonalMovement Mouse: TDDP_MouseSystemEx
  16. polar_fawkes

    Dialog screen like TES:3 Morrowind

    Hey guys. Trying to rip off this: got as far as message core and galv's extra choices. however, 2 problems. 1) anyone know how to align the message box to the left once you reduce the box's width? 2) the choies currently print bottom-to-top from the top of the...
  17. polar_fawkes

    Graphics Weapon Animations-Ideas?

    i love it man! sounds great :D even if i dont get my whoooole list, i'd be ecstatic to get some of them, then i could do the ones that aren't available by hand on my end (i can do it, it just takes me like 3 hours for a 16x16 image lol. i cant do art fast)
  18. polar_fawkes

    hey guy! what's the status on that armour plugin? do you expect it to be stable/available come...

    hey guy! what's the status on that armour plugin? do you expect it to be stable/available come february?
  19. polar_fawkes

    Forced to domesticate

    hi blue, welcome to the forums!
  20. polar_fawkes

    Hi, I'm Oracle of jamie

    if you've got a good grasp on more advanced engines, you're going to hit some points where you're like 'wait, where is this. i just need to find this one simpe command to pull off this next step of this massive mechanic i've been working on all day' and the answer will be you can't do it with...