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  1. David FoxFire

    Paris Incident

    You can see more about it in my web site. I might start a thread in an off-topic forum if people are interested.
  2. David FoxFire

    Paris Incident

    I know that all too well, @Companion Wulf . I'm just reduced myself to just leaning back in Goggle+ and watch the world burn as I quote Pink Floyd's "The Wall". In fact, I'm designing a Tabletop Campaign Setting called Æthercoil that is set 300 years after society's collapse. Of course, some...
  3. David FoxFire

    Renamer Program for all those pesky Generator files.

    For some people, updating and improving on the Character Generator means having to deal with the rats nest that is 'File Name Management'. I'm sure that some of you are throughly triggered into a quivering ball of PTSD by those three words. It's the part where you have to rename the '_p##_'...
  4. David FoxFire

    Character Costume Design

    I employ "Rule of Cool" when it comes to costume designs, and zero fucks over whatever sensibilities I might offend. (Note: Nowadays it's not too difficult to offend someone over character design.) My rule of thumb is, if a character's costume would resemble the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown...
  5. David FoxFire

    Paris Incident

    Trigger Warnings: Snippiness, Saltiness, and possible microagressions ahead. A spoiler tag is included for your convience.
  6. David FoxFire

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    Exactly. It's called the Challenge Rating, and I want to use a comparation of that (scaled up to RPG Maker ranges) with the party's expected level, to represent a scaling ratio to make the creatures appropiate. Because (7 * 999) / 25 = 279.72 => 280ATK is too high for a party just starting...
  7. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Yeah, that would work. I've also been searching for Creative Commons licensed music as well. I do hope that the Restaff series comes back again with more traditional stuff. With this non-commercial project of mine, it'll prove valuable. Addendum: A couple more items here ITEM: 5ED to MV...
  8. David FoxFire

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    I will eventually playtest the game with players. I just need something to plop in the stats for the first go. That's where the conversion formulas come in, so I have something to base my initial levels in. I would like to experiment with some formulas based on a) the 5ed stats, like what...
  9. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    I'm not going to sell the game (Look up at the top post) but while I believe that WotC won't mine me using Fair Use Laws to learn RPG Maker, I doube the RIAA would feel the same way. Hence my desire for public access jazz. If I weren't so jitterish, I would just download the Peter Gunn theme...
  10. David FoxFire

    Ace Attourney style Court Battles

    I agreed with you when I started compiling these threads into one that the data organization is going to be the biggest problem with me, and might require me to get some help with coding some parts. I got an idea of using cards (like playing cards) to represent each clue and they can be played...
  11. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Since I now have a main forum for me to discuss my project, I might has well move all the discussions (and public brainstorms) in here. Item: Ace Attourney style Court Battles This might occur not just in a court setting, when Florence presents her evidence to a judge, but also on the street...
  12. David FoxFire

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Thank you for your service, @eivl . I wanted to say that yesterday, but I only met one veteran, and he was in my D&D table last night.
  13. David FoxFire

    Three Plugins needed.

    Yeah, I know, @Dragon David, and I'm using it now. In fact, all thess of these plugins are found: 1: Pre Title Events, from Hime 2: Battle Character Limit by Mr. Trivel and... 3: StatusMenuCore by JahwsUF. Now what I need is to have a notebook-like Plugin like this one for VXA, and to find...
  14. David FoxFire

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    If you look back at the Kobold Stat Block, you'll see a series of six numbers, labled STR (Strength), DEX (Dexterity), CON (Constitution), INT (Intelligence), WIS (Wisdom) and CHA (Charisma). These are the six attributes in D&D. What I want to do is to find a way to build MV's attributes (MAX...
  15. David FoxFire

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    I just want to convert the stats, that's all. I can easily work the classes and skills into RPG Maker, and I'm keeping the combat the way it is. (My Elminster Fifty plugin, which you've seen by now @eivl , will work on skill checks while you're on the maps. That's as far as the D&D style...
  16. David FoxFire

    [Editor] How to install and use a second font in MV

    Well, since I'm using Yanfly for my messaging skills, this should be a no brainer. Thanks. Oh, and Sly, :) Your English is working just fine!
  17. David FoxFire

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    As some of you would know if you were following me by now, I'm big into Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. I'm even a Dungeon Master both online and in real life. Which will come to no surprise that I'm basing my RPG design from the standpoint of a D&D DM. Hell, I've even created the...
  18. David FoxFire

    [Editor] How to install and use a second font in MV

    I don't know if someone found out how to do it, but there might be a need for me to use a second (or even third) font for text in my project. I'd like to be able to install and use them for special graphics (instead of using pictures) while still keeping the built-in font for the text of the...
  19. David FoxFire

    Sprites "SV Style" MV Character Sprites + Templates

    You've got some errors accessing your attachments. It's probably a forum bug.
  20. David FoxFire

    Pre-Title Events

    I used this just to post up a disclaimer and a studio logo. It was all I needed and it works great. Keep up the good work.