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  1. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    Thanks. That's what I wanted to know :) I still need work on my script, which I posted here so that I won't bog the whole forum down just becuase I'm needy :p I also updated it by editing the original post because I'm a nice guy.
  2. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    I want to do something like "if ( $gameSwitches.value(n) ) {} // If Game Switch n is true then... Is this the right way to do it?
  3. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    Found one of my answers while looking at scripts: $gameVariables[2] in Ruby becomes $gameVariables.value(N) (N being the Variable Number in the Editor) in Javascript. Correct me if I'm wrong. Now to find out if $gameSwitches.value(N) works as well.
  4. David FoxFire

    How Do You Plan Your RPG?

    I'm just starting on the maps, mind you, I'm just guessing. I have this city being the whole game 'world,' so you deal with blocks, buildings, particular rooms, crossroads, and what not. I start a map by sketching them on grid paper, that way I'll have a ballpark idea on the size of each map...
  5. David FoxFire

    Level Up Events

    So you'll see the awarded EXP added to the characters and all that. Great. That's what I wanted to know :)
  6. David FoxFire

    How Do You Plan Your RPG?

    I'll probably be planning and designing the game off MV for quite some time, although I have started working on maps (already got one finshed. One in a large city of about 500 different map areas no doubt). I'm also working on what I want to see in the database, and of course, getting the...
  7. David FoxFire

    Level Up Events

    I haven't gotten to this point yet, so I have to ask. If you add XP out of combat (such as a quest reward or some kind) does the XP get tallied and Level ups get triggered as it would be in combat?
  8. David FoxFire

    [Plugin] Need help for a plugin

    Thank you very much for the move. Sometimes I just don't know where to put a question in, and appreciate the correction without having my face bit off over it.
  9. David FoxFire

    [Plugin] Need help for a plugin

    I have a script that, instead of improving on an existing feature, has it's own need for number-crunching. It basically simulates a d20 roll from table top RPGs, where a modifier is tallied up based on attributes and is added to a d20 roll. The result is given back to the event that calls the...
  10. David FoxFire

    Three Plugins needed.

    I'll be sure to check it for errors. Much appreciated, thanks a lot for both points.
  11. David FoxFire

    Three Plugins needed.

    1. I had someone do it in VXA, but when MV switched from Ruby to Javascript, there was some problems in the translation. 2. Where's the post where you showed how to do that, May I ask? 3. I'm referring to something like ...
  12. David FoxFire

    Three Plugins needed.

    I would apprecaie someone making that.
  13. David FoxFire

    Three Plugins needed.

    I've just started designing my first MV game, working with OneNote at first before I even do anything serious with MV, but already I have a need for three plugins: 1. A way to show some screens (like a studio logo) before the title screen. 2. A way to have 5 characters instead of 4 in the party...
  14. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    That's basically what I wanted to know. I wanted to have a sort of bonus to checks that increases every 8th level. Like this: proficiencyBonus = 1 + parseInt($ / 8); If "$" is the thing I needed then I understand what...
  15. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    That works. But what I'd like to do is to call up a certain player's level and assign it to a variable, or use it as a condition. Like this: LevelAlpha = $ What's the rest of that?
  16. David FoxFire

    MV Script Calls

    Are the variables the same? There are parts in my script where I need to call up a player's level for some math, for example. Or access a Switch or a Variable.
  17. David FoxFire

    Javascript 101 checking

    Thanks for the tips and corrections. I'll make the needed adjustments and continue my journy into learning how to code.
  18. David FoxFire

    How to do random events, some of which aren't encounters.

    That's something I'll be looking into as well, once I figure out what the options are in the scripting....and what the Javascript equivilant to them are.
  19. David FoxFire

    The Lord British 4D Spreadsheet.

    I think Microsoft has a Mac version of Office, but that has a steep price tag. Also, I don't usually play with Macs, (way beyond my income) so I wouldn't know for sure. However, there is a web based version of OneNote at, which is system agnostic.
  20. David FoxFire

    Banner Voting Part 1.

    20, 9, and 23