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  1. David FoxFire

    A JavaScript developer walks into an RPG Maker forum

    Same here. I've just finished building my first MV Plugin, and I might ask you for some tips on how to make more.
  2. David FoxFire

    Ace Attourney style Court Battles

    Oh, I'm not telling everything about my game.
  3. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Well, it'll be closer to Ace Attourney Investigations, since it will focus more on forensic investigation. And to avoid a double post, I might as well edit in a wish list: Additional armors and helmets for SV Battler Fun, which will be added to the Character Builder. The Notebook Plugin a la...
  4. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Notice: This is a fan-work based on Dungeon & Dragons with the Forgotten Realms setting, both owned by Wizards of the Coast, and uses a variation of both Fifth Edition rules and the mentioned campaign setting. This project is made to learn RPG Maker MV, and is considered a Transformative Work...
  5. David FoxFire

    A party of 5 Characters

    I'm using Mr Trivel's Battle Character Limit to adjust the number and placement of the SV sprites. I haven't tested it yet but it shoudl work. As for the "catepillar" I set the team in full in the system tab, and that seemed to work all right.
  6. David FoxFire

    A party of 5 Characters

    But I think I have it solved anyway, thanks for the suggested place to put this. Sometimes I forget where to post a certain question until after I hit that post button :/ Hindsight.
  7. David FoxFire

    Ace Attourney style Court Battles

    Well, it might need to be a female voice yelling into those voice clips. The player character's a Lady. Once I get a forum ready to help brainstorm cases and manage the script, we can discuss how we'll deal with the Investigation system.
  8. David FoxFire

    Ace Attourney style Court Battles

    Good to hear that. I want to focus on the clue finding and deduction part more than the 'court battles' where you get all the "Hold it!"s and "Objections!" (Although I see the main character in my game, Grand Inqusitor Florence, has a whip like form with her "Objection!" pose that would make...
  9. David FoxFire

    Ace Attourney style Court Battles

    In this came I'm making, I've descovered that there are some scenes that play out similar to an Ace Attourney Court Battle, a la Phoenix Wright. It's not the biggest part of it, that part's investigating crime scenes and piecing together clues. That I can dream up and work into the game. My...
  10. David FoxFire

    I deleted my facebook

    Well, I never got it from Facebook either, but boy, did I ever get cyberbullied. You're talking to a former lolcow who gets compared to Chris W. Chandler for a time. If you don't know who Chris is, consider yourself fortunate, and pray he never gets RPG Maker.
  11. David FoxFire

    Need for Windows

    I'm working on some taller buildings and I found out real quick that I'm going to be needing more windows, especially bigger and more detailed windows to put on these skyscrappers. Your assistance here will be greatly appreciated.
  12. David FoxFire

    I deleted my facebook

    The only thing Facebook is ever good for is games, and nothing else. That's the only reason why I use it, and I don't put in there anything those games don't need. Besides, personal experience has left me very gun shy over every bit of social media, including microblogs and instant messaging.
  13. David FoxFire

    Share your Patreon

    Yeah, story of my life. It's the opposite of what @Companion Wulf is talking about. If all you're getting out of your hard work is getting ignored or passed over...if you're lucky, and you don't find out that burn pages are outranking you on Google, like what happened to me...your productivity...
  14. David FoxFire

    Share your Patreon

    I don't have a Patreon mainly because I don't have enough support for it. Also, most of the responses I get for asking for anything as much as a cup of coffee often gets me naught but denigrating riducule from people who do follow me around the net. (My social clout is that bad in some parts...
  15. David FoxFire

    List of MV Disappointments

    That's what the Keurig is for, you idiots!
  16. David FoxFire

    Tips about dungeons...

    Well, in Baldur's Gate Investigations, there would be a bit of both. One of them (Undercellar) would be a transition-based dungeon, while the others would be a combination of find-the-endpoint and puzzle.
  17. David FoxFire

    Thoughts on MV's character generator? (bonus: show off your creations!)

    Sure thing, @Macro. You basically need a good file manager for this, especially one that allows you to see two different directories at the same screen; I prefer xplorer2 ( You unzip the addon into a blank directory with one screen (or tab or window whatever the case may be)...
  18. David FoxFire

    Thoughts on MV's character generator? (bonus: show off your creations!)

    Yeah. The Generator really needed more items. Good thing it's easier to expand on, especally if you know the Change Filename trick.
  19. David FoxFire

    I wish I could help you out, my friend, but I know as much about scripting as you do. If it...

    I wish I could help you out, my friend, but I know as much about scripting as you do. If it weren't for @[141:@eivl] and looking into other people's scripts, I wouldn't be able to do it myself. I might make a step by step process on how to build a plug-in, based on my own experience, but that...
  20. David FoxFire

    You Are The GOD Of Your Own Created World

    I believe that I understand a Creator Being, whoever he (or she) may be called, a lot better since I've been Dungeon Mastering--and later on game design--because I find myself in the same role as said Creator Being when I'm preparing the adventures and even more when I'm working in RPG Maker...